Cecil Murphey Scholarship Form

Cecil Murphy Scholarship Form

GPCWC 2020

A Cecil Murphey scholarship to cover the full cost of registration will be awarded to TWENTY writers
who are seriously pursuing publication and would financially be unable to attend the conference without
this scholarship. Past recipients of a Cec Murphey scholarship are not eligible. Wednesday early birds,
paid critiques, clinics, travel, lodging (or the YMCA commuter fee and meals), are NOT included.

Scholarships will be awarded on a first come basis so the sooner you apply, the better opportunity you will have to be chosen.

Date:   mm/dd/yyyy format
First Name:
Mid Init:
Last Name:
Day Phone:
Night Phone:
Cell Phone:

I want to attend this conference because:
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My writing goals are:
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Steps I'm taking to reach these goals:
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Current work in progress:
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I need a scholarship because:
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Verification Check:

Type the characters that you see in this picture.

If you are not chosen for a Cec Murphey Scholarship,you will be considered for a partial scholarship.
I will do everything I can to make it possible for you to come.

Together let's trust the Lord to meet your needs and ours from "His riches in glory" (Philipians 4:19 TLB).