Blog & Videos

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of entire 2019 conference
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Alumni $77
Non-conferees $107 
Now only $48 for everyone!

MP3s of individual sessions
1-6 – $4.00 each now $2.50
7 or more – $3.50 each now $2.20

Click here to download MP3s
Prefer CDs? 
Click here for order form!
(CDs are not half price)

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for Marlene’s blog



While whitewater rafting, Eric Sprinkle shares about
Dick Bruso’s equally exciting early bird workshop
on Brandstorming, Wednesday, June 23, 7 pm EST.



Yes, I’m two years behind updating this page,
but I’ve left the 2015 sessions here because they are timeless.

Video / Audio of 2015 Keynotes

Michael Gantt, “The Cross is the Main Thing”

“The sad fact for America is that
our sin has made God our enemy.
Because of the rejection of God and His Word
and because we have exchanged
the God of Life for the gods of death 
and perversion,
America is already under
the Hand of God’s judgment. 

“If there is no national confession of sin
and if we cannot find a heart of repentance,
a Holy God will complete his judgment;
either by the complete annihilation
or subjugation of what was once a great
and godly people or by rendering it
completely irrelevant on the world stage.”

Michael Gantt (complete transcript)

Video – 


Peter Lundell – “Writing Light into Darkness”

Tim Shoemaker – “Breaking Fear’s Grip”

Tim’s Thursday morning devotional

The other keynotes

Dr. Harold Arnold Jr. – “Dreambusting”
Allen Arnold – “Awakening the Writer’s Heart”
Jim Watkins – “Keeping Your Dreams Alive”

can be ordered as CDs
or you can receive MP3 files of the entire conference
over 100 sessions) for only $59.
Click here for order form.