Clinics meet during the two hour-long workshops each day (for a total of six hours), making it possible for participants to also attend a continuing session. Those accepted for one of the clinics must be registered for the entire conference and pay an additional $65 upon acceptance.
Because the clinics will not be taped, we will do our best not to schedule your one-on-one appointments or any paid critiques during this time. A laptop computer is strongly encouraged to get the most out of the clinic.
Your application must be received by e-mail no later than June 30. You will be notified whether or not you have been accepted by July 8.
July 14 Update
There’s still room for one or two more in Karen and Angela’s clinic. See below.
Tim Shoemaker
Author, Speaker, Writing Coach Limit 6 participants
Tim is a speaker, writing coach, and the author of eleven books. His specialty is fiction, and he believes with all his heart that great stories have the power to impact readers like few other things can. He has a passion for helping writers take their manuscripts to the next level—and that’s exactly what he’d like to do for you.
Is your writing the best you know how to make it … yet you know something is missing? Do you have a great story idea … but the writing itself lacks the power it should have? Have you been told you need to “show” more in your writing … but aren’t sure how? Do your characters seem a bit 2-dimensional … but you don’t know how to fix that?
If any of these describe you … and you have a passion to write … likely you’re a perfect candidate for the Fiction Intensive Clinic. The class will be limited to just 6 members—and we’ll have a full 6 hours together as a group. That means time for your questions. That means you’ll get the attention you need to boost your writing to the next level.
I’ll help you understand point-of-view—and how to use it as a tool to strengthen your manuscript to a level you haven’t reached before.
We’ll look at how to do more showing in your story in a realistic, powerful way. We’ll look at things like plausibility, characterization, dialogue, and so much more. We’ll look at pacing—especially in those key scenes. We’ll look at how to write “Christian” in this rapidly changing publishing world.
The most important thing? I’ll look at YOUR work … before the conference even starts.
I’ll analyze the writing sample you submit, and at the conference I’ll show you how to take your writing to the next level. Sound good? It will be.
Are you excited? Good … you won’t be disappointed.
Are you nervous? Don’t be. Our Fiction Intensive Clinic will be a safe place. We’re all writers—and we’re in this together. My goal is to equip you. Coach you. So take a deep breath and know you’re going to be okay.
Here’s what we’ll need for you to be considered for the clinic …
Tim’s sweet spot is writing fiction for middle grade and YA, but all genres will be welcome in the Fiction Intensive Clinic. If you’ve read this far, you know this is likely what you want and need. So take the next step and fill out the application … and let’s take your story to the next level!
Bill Watkins Limit 6 participants
President, Literary Solutions
Senior Editor, BroadStreet Publishing Group
Award-winning Author
Bill is the president of Literary Solutions and senior editor at BroadStreet Publishing Group. He is an award-winning author with 7 published books and about 150 other kinds of writing, including essays, articles, dictionary entries, booklets, pamphlets, study guides, book reviews, and opinion pieces. In his editing work, which has often included book acquisitions, he has worked with Thomas Nelson, Marvel, Bethany House, Baker Books, Chalice Press, Moody Press, NavPress, Broadman & Holman, Authentic, Servant, and the American Center for Law and Justice. He loves to teach and mentor aspiring writers, and he has worked with hundreds of writers, helping a large number of them find publishing homes for their manuscripts. In his 35-plus years in publishing, he has worked with such authors as Mike Huckabee (the former governor of Arkansas), William Bennett (the former US Secretary of Education), Charles R. Swindoll, Josh McDowell, Norman L. Geisler, Leslie Vernick, Paula Rinehart, William Lane Craig, J. P. Moreland, Dallas Willard, Peter Kreeft, Gary Habermas, Cecil Murphey, Jo Kadlecek, and George Grant.
In this hands-on clinic, you will learn the six most important questions to developing a nonfiction book, and you will receive the help you need to answer those questions in relation to your own book idea. You will also work on your book’s focus, table of contents, and opening chapter to help ensure that your book can reach its intended audience with the message you wish to present. This clinic is open to all writers who are serious about writing a nonfiction book.
Click here for the application. In addition to completing the application, you will need to e-mail your first chapter (double spaced), a one-to-three-paragraph overview of your book, plus a descriptive table of contents (i.e., chapter titles with a single paragraph description under each title that briefly tells what that chapter will cover). All are due no later than June 30. Please save all documents as ONE file in Word 2003-2007 or in RTF.
Prerequisite: A serious commitment to complete a nonfiction book, a first chapter, overview, and table of contents.
On acceptance: You will receive the first chapter, overview, and table of contents of the other clinic participants that you will need to read before the conference.
Angela Schans Limit 8 participants
Author, Speaker
Social Media Expert
Angela, a stay-at-home mother of 4 school-age children, published her first short inspirational memoir Meetings With Beppe, and continues to produce devotional videos and articles. Her devotional videos are enjoyed in 86 countries and fill the first 8 results for Google video search “encouraging Christian devotionals.” Her writing has propelled her into public speaking engagements, eldercare expos, and lecturing for the APT Bible College in the Fiji Islands as well as stateside Christian conferences.
When Angela learned how to harness the reins of social media to bring thousands of daily visitors to her devotional blog website, she was thrust into social media consulting and has since helped many authors publish and promote their first books through the power of social media.
Angela is passionate to “Write His Answer” for all the world to see through every media point possible! If you want to design a graphic, a book, a blog post, or a video to promote Jesus, spending a day with Angela will fuel you with passion and simple tips to live the Great Commission through the power of social media.
Students will receive a social media tune-up, overhaul, or kick-start, personally tailored to their current starting point and individual goal to make God’s answers accessible to the online world.
Get your social media platforms assessed. Receive a point-by-point personalized agenda for your personal social media tune-up, start-up, or overhaul. Spend class time with her by your side helping you with your personal social media renovations so that you can share His answer (as written in your book!) in the most effective way. You may enter the class as a social media baby, but you will leave, a ROCKSTAR!
Each day will begin with in-depth instruction on technical topics made simple including: Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Algorithms, the nuts and bolts of YouTube production, and designing engaging and attractive graphics and videos to express His answer in a professional and consistent tone with your book/brand.
Click here for application that you will need to submit by June 30.
Karen Whiting Limit 8 participants
Author and Speaker
Representing Kids Ark Magazine
and Book Fun Magazine
Karen is the author of 25 books and more than 700 articles. She has learned to maximize opportunities and develop plans for promoting each title. She is on the board of directors of Christian Authors Network. Karen has spoken to hundreds of Christian retailers, hosted a television series, and been a guest on dozens of media outlets (TV, radio, and blogs). She is a former writer for Focus on the Family’s parenting magazines and is an international speaker. A company in China brings her to that country to work with children and speak and train leaders.
You have a book or at least an idea for one, but to reach an audience you need a plan. A good strategy uses your skills and experience to reach your potential readers effectively. Discover how you can plan coordinated social network posts, offer free material to readers that gets them to want your book, and develop pitches for media, and queries for articles that promote your topic. The clinic will also help participants create plans for book launches, connections to affiliate groups, and ideas for book tables that grab attention of an audience. This clinic will build on your strengths so you are excited and comfortable carrying out the plans.
Prerequisites: On acceptance you will need to e-mail your book marketing ideas, link to your website, and a description of your book to Barb Haley, who will forward your file to the others in the clinic. You will also receive (via e-mail) a copy of what the others in the clinic have submitted. Bring 10 copies of any promotional materials you have created (business cards, brochures, freebies, etc.) to the conference.
After acceptance, you’ll be sent worksheets on assessing your strengths and current marketing ideas to fill out.
Click here for application.
Karen is the queen of creativity, the master at innovative ideas, and an expert in transforming an insight into a tangible and powerful marketing tool. During a recent writer's conference, I attended her marketing sessions. As we sat in a circle, she took the focus of each book, gave each author ideas, examples, and practical steps to market each book. They all evoked an "Ah!" from the participants. The skill Karen has to craft a powerful marketing tool from a mere concept is a gift few possess.
Janet Perez Eckles, author & international speaker