

I met Marlene Bagnull many years ago
at a little writers' conference in Olathe, KS. 
Marlene so inspired me about Writing His Answer
and sharing the Gospel in everything I write.
I knew this was what I wanted to do with my writing.
I wanted each story—each book—to be a legacy of love
that pointed to the Gospel message.”

Tracie Peterson


As a 25-year publishing veteran who has worked with close to 1,000 writers
including numerous NY Times best-selling authors),
I've experienced a huge variety of writer conferences.
Two that consistently stand out as a force for making good writers better
and launching new authors are the
Greater Philly and Colorado Christian Writers Conference
—both, not coincidentally—led by Marlene Bagnull.
Marlene's passion and industry knowledge has created a powerful place
dor Christian creatives to gather and grow.
I have personally invested in both conferences as a speaker and teacher.
The reason why is I'm a fan of her vision for writers
because I see the breakthrough that occurs at these events. 

Allen Arnold
Author, Speaker, Former Christian Industry Executive

Allen is the author of The Story of With, an allegory that reveals a better way to live and create through the doorway of identity, imagination, and intimacy. His mission is to help people actively pursue and transform their talent by discovering how to pursue it with God. As the founding Fiction Publisher for one of the world's largest Christian publishing houses, Allen oversaw the development of hundreds of novels. He knows first-hand how common it is for creators to become disheartened, overwhelmed or burnt-out–as well as what it takes to help the dreams of writers become reality. In his current role at Ransomed Heart, he oversees content from the mountains of Colorado for the ministry. Before becoming a Board Member for ACFW, he was awarded their Lifetime Achievement Award in 2012 for his substantial contributions to the world of Christian Fiction. 

You might write in your own "zone," locally or nationally,
on topics that move you; as I do.
Or you might desire to write; or write more; or write better; or be published.
For instruction, guidance, tips, inspiration, and fellowship . . .
there is nothing like it.
"Networking" is a great bonus... and so are lifelong friendships.
I totally endorse this great event!

Rick Marschall
Author, Historian
Monday Morning Ministry Blog

Marlene Bagnull’s conferences are a unique combination of worship, inspiration, professional development, networking opportunities, fellowship with other writers, editors, agents, and publishers, and great conversations. You won’t get a lot of sleep, but then, you won’t want to. You will have too much to learn, too many people to connect with, and too many ways to hear God’s voice to give in to too much sleep. Find a way to take in her conferences. They will change your writing for the better, and they will prod you to take the Eternal Word more seriously and follow him more resolutely.

Bill Watkins
President, Literary Solutions
Senior Editor, BroadStreet Publishing Group
Award-winning Writer

Former conferee, Brenda Black says: “I benefitted greatly for the conference.  It was very informative, flowed well, had very good showing  from editors, publishers, etc.”


The Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference is among the premier writing conferences in the USA and is a jewel in the crown of Cairn University. The conference brings together people from all walks of life to interact with some of the finest minds in Christian publishing, and every year bears rich fruit in the education and publication of articles, poems, drama, books, and more


Bob Hostetler, international speaker and author of 48 books, including The Bard and the Bible: A Shakespeare Devotional and over 20 books co-authored with Josh McDowell—and a regular presenter at the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference.


I have told many people about the conference
being far more than a writers conference,
that it is also a conference vitally interested
in missions, current events, prayer,
and a deep love for fellow believers.
Wynn Bauman – conferee

Conferee Jackie Confalone says - "I just finished my first paid contract to write 7 devotionals for The Quiet Hour, and I had my first article accepted for publication in Power for Living for December 2013...so excited! Both of those contracts resulted from meeting the editors at GPCWC over the past 2 years, and ongoing communication with them. My goal this year was to get enough articles/devotionals published to pay for the GPCWC conference, and that's exactly what happened. God is good! Thanks so much for pouring much of your life into this conference...it's made a tremendous difference to this writer!"

Conferee Wynn Bauman says: I have told many people about the conference being far more than a writers conference, that it is also a conference vitally interested in missions, current events, prayer, and a deep love for fellow believers."

Rick Marschall says: Calling Those Who Write, or Want to Write, or Be Published.

You might write in your own "zone," locally or nationally, on topics that move you; as I do. Or you might desire to write; or write more; or write better; or be published. An upcoming Christian Writer's Conference outside Philadelphia is something I want to tell you about. I have been speaking and mentoring writers there for almost 10 years. For instruction, guidance, tips, inspiration, and fellowship... there is nothing like it. "Networking" is a great bonus... and so are lifelong friendships. Click the link for more information. I totally endorse this great event!


And again Marti Pieper blessed me with these unsolicited on her May 28, 2013, blog: http://martipieper.com/write-greater-philadelphia-christian-writers-conference-2013/


Marti Pieper captured my heart and the heart of the conference in her March 20, 2012, blog, reprinted below with her permission.

“Then the Lord said to me, ‘Write my answer plainly on tablets,
so that a runner can carry the correct message to others” (Habakkuk 2:2).

My dear friend, Marlene Bagnull, takes this verse as the theme of her writing life. Along the way, she’s published several books and hundreds of articles and devotions. She’s served her family, which includes a husband, three grown children, and three active grandchildren. And through the years, she’s grown her roots deep in God.

This devotion to her Father, I’m convinced, is what sets Marlene’s two conferences—one in the heart of the rugged Rocky Mountains, the other cradled in the countryside near Philadelphia—apart. Yes, you can find authors, editors, and agents (more than 70 on each faculty) at both events. Yes, you’ll receive top-notch instruction in almost any area of writing. And yes, you’ll connect with writers of many genres, various experiences, and great expertise.

But God’s Spirit pervades these events in a way I can only trace back to Marlene’s unique walk with God. Who else but a surrendered servant would break into prayer as she makes conference announcements? Who else would choose faculty not on the basis of renown but of ministry capacity? And who else would focus each conference on an issue she believes writers need to address?

You see, Marlene’s conferences go beyond helping writers achieve publication. She uses these events to equip writers to use their words to change the world. Keynote speakers address issues that matter and suggest ways writers' messages can connect.

I’ve served on several conference faculties, but I’ve never had my call to write renewed and reaffirmed in the ways I have at the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference (GPCWC) and, in a few more weeks, as I will during my first visit to the Colorado Christian Writers Conference (CCWC). I’ve wept. I’ve prayed. I’ve been reminded to listen to His voice about what and how I write.

Last year at the GPCWC, I taught Writer WannaBe, a continuing workshop for new writers. This year, I have the privilege of teaching Book Doctor, a nonfiction book proposal clinic, at the CCWC along with a workshop that’s become my personal favorite, Master the Memoir. I'll also represent SUSIE Magazine, the only print Christian magazine targeted exclusively toward girls ages 11-19.

Do you have an interest in writing? Do you believe God wants to use your words to make an impact? Check out either or both of these conferences. Scholarships are available and registration deadlines loom.

Does God have an appointment for you at the CCWC or GPWC this year? Don’t miss His invitation to write His answer.