Links to videos of several of the 2015 keynotes are below. I especially URGE you to watch Michael Gantt’s keynote, “The Cross Is the Main Thing.” It is an urgent message for the critical days ahead.
“The sad fact for America is that
our sin has made God our enemy.
Because of the rejection of God and His Word
and because we have exchanged
the God of Life for the gods of death
and perversion,
America is already under
the Hand of God’s judgment.
“If there is no national confession of sin
and if we cannot find a heart of repentance,
a Holy God will complete his judgment;
either by the complete annihilation
or subjugation of what was once a great
and godly people or by rendering it
completely irrelevant on the world stage.”
Michael Gantt (complete transcript)
Video –
Click here for the follow-up to Michael’s video
that I presented September 6, 2015,
to the adult Sunday school class at my church,
Covenant Community Fellowship.
It includes Scripture and quotes from Focus on the Family
and Mike Wolff, The Reconnected Church, in Colorado.
I encourage you to visit Michael Gantt’s blog
and Mike Wolff’s blog at
and especially Mike’s September 3, 2015, blog,
“Sounding the Trumpet”
Father, please help us not to miss “the signs of the times.”
Help us to humble ourselves and pray
and seek Your face.
Enable us to live and to write Your answer.
Links to other keynote addresses:
Peter Lundell – “Writing Light into Darkness” –
Tim Shoemaker – “Breaking Fear’s Grip” – and Tim’s Thursday morning devotional –
The other keynotes
Dr. Harold Arnold Jr. – “Dreambusting”
Allen Arnold – “Awakening the Writer’s Heart”
Jim Watkins – “Keeping Your Dreams Alive”
can be ordered as CDs or you can receive MP3 files of the entire conference (over 100 sessions) for only $99. Click here for order form.
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
"Thank you for organizing and leading such a God–glorifying,
well run, informative, challenging and inspirational writers conference at Cairn University.
Your heart for writers, your discernment of these times
as challenging and crucial for the communication of the gospel,
and the commitment you encourage in all involved will continue to lead delegates to Write His Answer.
It was a privilege to be part of it, and to contribute in some way
to the spirit of good will that was so evident in writers, faculty and leaders.
I pray that your efforts will have a lasting impact, for this day like no other is the day of salvation.
Your generosity, and earnest desire to serve the Lord simply set the tone for a rhapsodic event."
Jeff McDonald, Managing Editor, Salvation Army National Publications
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
"My life is STILL being touched every day by the Philly conference,
I am writing more, and with a greater sense of purpose,
yet with no concern or worries about my writing as I know God will use me
and what I write as He sees fit.
Thank you for the opportunity you provided for so many people
to attend an amazing Christian writer's conference!!!"
Thom Smith, 2013 conferee from New Hampshire
The Story Behind Christian Devotions Ministries
and Their Mission to Launch Writing Careers
Eddie Jones is an author, speaker, and publisher. He is a co-founder of Christian Devotions Ministries and is always looking for someone who can write good devotions.
At the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writer’s Conference on July 31 – August 3 Eddie will teach a workshop about working with a small press and another workshop on Thursday during Teens Write. And, of course, he’ll be taking pitches for devotions and books.
I sat down with Eddie on the deck of the main conference building at the Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference in Estes Park, Colorado, and got him to answer a few questions. As we sat taking in the view, Eddie spoke about the various websites that comprise Christian Devotion Ministries and how each one got started. He also shared how Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas got started, and a bit about what kinds of books they’re looking for.
It was a beautiful day although a bit windy. I was able to filter out most of the noise from the wind, but I wasn’t able to filter out the giggles and footsteps of a happy child playing on the deck. Still, I think what Eddie has to say is so interesting you’ll barely notice much of the background noise.
Connecting with Your Audience
Tim Shoemaker is a fulltime author and speaker. He has written several books packed full of fun devotions for parents to do with their kids, and has more recently turned his talents to writing suspense for middle grade readers. My boys are enjoying Tim’s Code of Silence—every chapter seems to end with a cliff hanger.
Tim will be teaching a continuing session called Take Your Fiction to the Gym where he’ll be sharing plenty of tips, tools, and techniques for making your writing stronger and getting your manuscripts in shape to compete out there in the publishing world. He’ll also be leading the Thursday morning Bible study lesson—you don’t want to miss that.
I met up with Tim at the Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference in Estes Park, Colorado and got him to sit down to answer a few questions. He’s as interesting in person as he is on stage. Tim shared why he came up with all those crazy—and effective—ways to teach lifelong biblical principles. And, if you’ve ever seen Tim speaking in front of an audience and wondered how in the world did he get some of those props he uses to the conference center or church where you see him, Tim shares a little bit about that as well.
From an Industry Veteran
Les Stobbe has been a literary agent for over 20 years and has held various other positions in the publishing industry since 1955. During that time he’s seen a lot of changes.
Les is also a frequent conference speaker. At this year's GPCWC is will teach two workshops: one on ghostwriting, and the other on understanding and negotiating book contracts. And he’ll be taking pitches for both fiction and nonfiction books.
I had the opportunity to meet Les at the Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference in Estes Park, Colorado. He kindly took time from his busy schedule to sit down and let me interview him. Les spoke about some of the changes and trends he’s seen in the Christian market over the past few decades, including the rise in popularity of Christian fiction. Les also shared a bit about his goals for the authors that sign with his agency.
Furthering the Message
Blythe Daniel is a literary agent and publicist with over 20 experience years in the publishing industry. She’ll be at the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference taking pitches and offering her services as a publicity and marketing expert. She’ll also be teaching two workshops: one encouraging writers to write through difficult circumstances; the other sharing blogging basics and ways to expand your reach as a blogger.
I met Blythe at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference in Estes Park, Colorado this past May, where she found time to sit down and be interviewed.
Blythe had plenty to say about what she can offer authors and tips on marketing your book. She also shares a little about the growing impact social media, especially blogs and book reviews, has on increasing your readership.
If you’re interested in starting a blog or making your current blog more successful, consider attending Blythe’s workshop on “Blogging Basics” Saturday morning. And if you’re finding it hard to find time to write or if life is getting in the way of your writing, you’ll be encouraged in her Thursday afternoon workshop, “The Squeeze: Writing the Book You Want to Write When Your Circumstances Speak Otherwise.”
If you’re looking for a literary agent or a publicist (or perhaps both!), make an appointment with Blythe at the Philly conference. It will be well worth your time.
Energy and Enthusiasm that’s Contagious!
Allison Althoff is one busy person. She’s an online editor at Today’s Christian Woman, an avid reporter and blogger, a popular tweeter (@ajalthoff), and an assistant in Wheaton College’s journalism certificate program.
Despite all the hats she wears, Allison still finds time to teach at conferences and listen to pitches for Christianity Today and Today’s Christian Woman. In fact, she’ll be at the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writer’s Conference teaching a session on how to write for Christianity Today publications. I attended her session on this topic at the Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference in Estes Park, Colorado, and learned all about the various blogs and magazines owned by Christianity Today and what each is looking for.
Even with her busy schedule, Allison was able to sit down with me for an interview. She’s a very energetic person and her enthusiasm is contagious. If you have any desire to write articles or book reviews, I strongly recommend attending her workshop and seeing if Christianity Today’s more than a dozen resources, online and print, are a good fit for submitting your work.
Book Marketing - Learn from an Expert
Karen Whiting is an author of over 500 articles and 16 books—and she has more books coming out this year! She’s a whiz at finding ways to promote her books, and she uses her amazing marketing skills and ideas to help promote the books of many other authors as well, especially through the Christian Authors Network and at conferences. Karen will be leading a clinic titled, “Developing a Unique Marketing Plan for Your Book,” where she’ll help participants create marketing strategies that will work for them. She’ll also be teaching an early bird workshop on developing your nonfiction book pitch. Click on interview below.
Cindy Sproles' Mission - Get New Writers Published!
Cindy is an author and speaker, and the senior editor for and She’s teaching a Wednesday earlybird workshop, "Turning Personal Experiences Into Parables," and "Writing Devotions" in Teens Write on Thursday.In addition she will be listening to pitches Thursday and Friday. I caught up with her at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference in Estes Park in May where she graciously agreed to an audio interview.
Please forgive the background noise—it was hard to find a quiet place with so much going on. But the words Cindy speaks are well worth hearing. She speaks from the heart and shares the reasons she and Eddie Jones started and their other devotional sites. Click here to listen.
If you write devotions or are interested in learning about writing devotions, I recommend you make an appointment with Cindy or visit her website. She’s always looking for new writers - both adults and children/teens.
Speaker: Eddie Jones
Topic: Christian Devotions Ministries
Speaker: Tim Shoemaker
Topic: Connecting with Your Audience
Speaker: Les Stobbe
Topic: From an Industry Veteran
Speaker: Blythe Daniel
Topic: Furthering the Message
Speaker: Allison Althoff
Topic: Contagious Energy & Enthusiasm
Speaker: Karen Whiting
Topic: Marketing Your Books
Speaker: Cindy Sproles
Topic: Passion to Launch New Writers