Disclaimer: These handouts have been prepared for the 2019 Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference and are available only to those who have registered and/or have bought the CDs. Please respect the copyright and print only for your own use. If you wish to use them in any other forum, please contact the workshop presenter to get his/her permission. Thank you!
Please Check Back—I’m still getting handouts in from faculty members
No Handouts might mean that the faculty members will bring the handouts to class.
LL1. How to Craft Page-Turning Novels with Dan Walsh
LL2. Writing a Nonfiction Book: From Passion to Process with Ava Pennington
LL3. Writer, Thou Art Loosed! with Beatrice Bruno
LL4. Develop a Unique Marketing Plan wiht Karen Whiting
WORKSHOPS – 1:00 – 2:00
T1. Practical Productivity with Debbie Maxwell Allen
T2. Spiritual Footprints with Chris Richards No Handouts
T3. Resurrect the Past with J.P. Robinson
T4. How to Write a Story with Alice Wootson No Handouts
How To Make the Most of GPCWC with Eric Sprinkle 2:15 to 3:15
WORKSHOPS – 3:30 – 4:30
T5. Scrivener for Beginners with Debbie Maxwell Allen No Handouts
T6. Writing Books for Children with Michelle Lazurek
T7. Write to Hold the Reader’s Attention with Rob Cook No Handouts
T8. Turn Your Preaching or Teaching into Writing with Dave Fessenden
WORKSHOPS – 4:45 – 6:00
T9. Customizing Scrivener: Advanced Techniques with Debbie Maxwell Allen No Handouts
T10. Academic vs. Popular Writing with Charles Christian No Handouts
T11. Make a Scene with Darcy Gudger
T12. Inside Your Characters’ Personalities with Lynne Babbitt
T13. The Brave New World of Indie Publishing with Dan Walsh
T14. Get Out of the Boat with Angie Bass Williams
CS1. Fiction Writing with Bill Myers
CS2. Write the Truth with Bill Watkins
CS3. Jumpstart Your Publishing Dreams with Terry Whalin
CS4. Social Media for the Clueless Author with Scoti Domeij
CS5. You CAN Publish and Market Your Book with Sarah Bolme
CS6. Authenic Writing that Changes Lives with Peter Lundell
CS7. Your Nonfiction Book-From Good to Great with Michael Klassen and Karen Bouchard
WORKSHOP 1 – FRIDAY 2:15-3:15
1A Give Purpose & Intent to Your Writing with Terrence Clark
1B. How to Handle the Word of Truth with Michael Klassen
1C. Middle Grade and YA Fiction with Linda Howard No Handouts
1D. Use Fiction Techniques in Your Nonfiction with Barbara Haley
1E. Creating a Book Proposal with Karen Whiting
1F. Marketing into Ministry with Michelle Booth
1G. Writing for Focus on the Family with Stephen O'Rear
WORKSHOP 2 – FRIDAY 3:30-4:30
2A The Watchman's Burden with Michael Gantt
2B. Your Writer's Voice with Edwina Perkins
2C. The Heartbeat of Inspirational Romance with Susan Baganz
2D. Theological Accuracy in Nonfiction with Catherine DeVries
2E. What Do Editors and Agents Want? with Linda Glaz
2F. Facebook Live 101 with Patricia Durgin
2G. Writing for Young Children with Hope Flinchbaugh
WORKSHOP 3 – SATURDAY 9:45-10:45
3A Writing Out of a Broken Heart with Michael Gantt No Handouts
3B. Skittles and Editing with Susan Baganz
3C. Ethnic Diversity in Fiction with Catherine DeVries
3D. Write and Publish Articles with Charles Christian No Handouts
3E. Turn Your Writing into a Business with J.P. Robinson
3F. Attending to Your Audience with Emily Chase
3G. Write Devotionals and Get Published with Debbie Hardy
WORKSHOP 4 – 1:30-2:30
4A Write from the Heart with Linda Glaz
4B. Add More Humor to Your Writing with Karen Bouchard
4C. How Much Christian Should Be in Your Christian Fiction? with Dan Walsh
4D. Confidentially Yours: Ethics in Nonfiction with Emily Chase
4E. Heading Home with a Plan with Karen Whiting
4F. Redesign Your Social Medial Plan with Patricia Durgin No Handouts
4G. Poetry Packs a Powerful Punch with Angie Bass Williams