The conference is held on the campus of Cairn University
in Langhorne, PA (north of Philadelphia).
Click here for directions and a map.
If you're arriving by plane, call Dave’s Best Limo ( 800-255-BEST ) to make a reservation in advance. If you're staying on campus, ask them to drop you off at Heritage Hall. A staff member will be there to give you the key to your room. The Limo also goes to The Radisson. We will provide transportation between The Radisson and the university if needed. Call Paul Bagnull at 215-353-2464
If you're arriving by train, call Amtrak (800-872-7245) or visit for info on trains to 30th Street Station in Philadelphia. Call SEPTA (215-580-7800) or visit for info on the R3 line from 30th Street Station to West Trenton. Get off at Langhorne Station. We’ll be glad to pick you up at Langhorne Station (it’s only several blocks from Cairn University), but we cannot do pick-ups at 30th Street. Beginning Wednesday morning, July 26, call my husband, Paul, at 215-353-2464.
For a map of the campus click here.
1 - Biblical Learning Center (BLC) - Registration, bookstore, and all classrooms
3 - Chatlos Memorial Chapel - Keynotes, general sessions, and book editors panel
7 - Cafeteria - meals beginning with dinner on Wednesday through lunch on Saturday
12 - Heritage Hall - Dorm
To find out where to go when you arrive click here.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
from Wednesday dinner through Saturday lunch
are available in the campus dining hall.
Dinner day of arrival
through lunch day of departure
is included with lodging.
Those not staying on campus
can order meals:
Breakfast – $6
Lunch – $8
Dinner – $11
Lodging Options
Heritage Hall is conveniently located
at the entrance to the main drive opposite the pond.
From there it's an easy walk to the classrooms, Chatlos Chapel,
and the dining hall. Rides can be provided if needed.
The building features a large main lounge in the center of the facility
that is a great place to fellowship with others.
Wireless Internet connectivity is provided.
The rooms are typical college dorm rooms
with two beds, dressers, and desks.
They are individually air-conditioned.
Linens and a pillow are provided.
You will need to bring toiletries and an alarm clock.
Some share a bathroom with an adjoining room.
Private bathrooms are available on a first-come basis.
Single rooms - $105 a night
Double rooms - $85 a night
Price includes meals from dinner day or arrival
through lunch day of departure.
Dinner day of departure (except Saturday) may be purchased separately.
Cairn University charges for each person in the room.
We do our best to provide roommate matching when requested.
Important – Lodging must be paid in full prior to the conference.
Prefer to stay in a hotel?
We recommend The Radisson, Philadelphia Northeast
U.S. Route 1 at Old Lincoln Highway
Trevose, PA
215-638-8300 or 800-333-3333
Cost per night $112 plus 11% tax
Group code: Christian Writers Conference
Not certain there are still rooms available at our group rate.
Directions from The Radisson to Cairn University - click here.