2021 Agents




All times are Eastern Daylight Savings Time


Blythe Daniel  
President, Literary Agent, Marketer 
The Blythe Daniel Agency Inc.    

Blythe is no longer able to join us for the conference, but she has graciously offered to host ten individual Zoom appointments after the conference—between July 6-8. She will not be evaluating your work prior to your conversation, but we will send her a copy to look at during the 15-minute appointment. If you choose to meet with Blythe in this way, the call will be considered one of your conference appointments.


Blythe is a literary agent and marketer who secures books with publishers, conducts publicity campaigns and online marketing. She helps writers build the right book proposal, secures contracts, promotes books, and has placed authors in the national media. She has worked in publishing for more than 20 years and represents bestselling non-fiction authors and new voices.

As an agent, she has represented authors associated with Focus on the Family, Cru, Proverbs 31 Ministries, Women of Faith, North Point Community Church, International House of Prayer, Dollar General, JPMorgan Chase, Houston Chronicle, The Huffington Post, Today Show Parenting, American Management Association, and others.

As a publicist, she has booked authors on hundreds of media outlets, including Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox News, CNN.com, Inc., The Washington Post, Focus on the Family, Business News Daily, and others.

She lives in Colorado Springs with her husband, daughter, and boy/girl twins. Blythe actively works with the next generation ministry at their church and loves talking about God, exploring places and conversations with her family, and watching Auburn football games and Hallmark movies with Starbucks in hand.

Blythe and her mother Helen McIntosh are the co-authors of Mended: Restoring the Hearts of Mothers and Daughters (Harvest House Publishers, 2019).


3F – Marketing for Today’s Market (Friday, 11:50-12:50)
Publishing has changed a lot over the years, months, and days. What is the best response for marketing dollars in today’s market? This workshop will address the: who, what, where and why of what you need to know as you market your book. What gives you the most optimal positioning and promotions? We’ll go over best practices and how to do it on a modest budget.

4E – Making Your Book Line Up to a Felt Need (Friday, 2:45-3:45)
Publishers are looking for books that meet a felt need – whether a novel or non-fiction. Does your book line up to an identifiable need? In this workshop we’ll look at how to take a general concept and bring it down to a felt need so that you can have every opportunity to grab the attention of a publisher with your book idea. If a book is too general, editors and agents can’t determine the hook or application and will pass over it. How can your book stand out? We’ll look at how to write a stand-out book and key points to include in your book proposal as well.  What makes your book unique? 

Blythe Daniel—The Blythe Daniel Agency Inc.

URL: www.theblythedanielagency.com


NONFICTION:  Christian Living/Ministry/Evangelism; Church Growth, Life, Renewal; Culture/Contemporary Issues; Devotionals; Discipleship/Personal Growth; Marriage/Family/Parenting; Men’s Books; Prayer & Spiritual Warfare; Women’s Interests

CHILDREN & YA:  Activity books, Chapter Books, Devotionals, Nonfiction Ages 6-8, NonfictionAges 9-12, Picture Books

OTHER:  Gift Books

Greatest Editorial Needs:  The format of most books I’m placing with publishers is Christian Living, the largest category of book buyers. But I’ll look at any of the categories listed.

Overworked topics:  I would subscribe to Publishers Weekly and read the bi-monthly Religion Bookline to see what books are getting contracted and published. It’s helpful to see what is already being addressed so you can differentiate.

Helpful tips:  Writers need to be building a platform that spans an online readership: social media, website of your own or contribute to, subscribers, influencers, authors, podcast, and/or blog. It's also helpful to see what you are doing to build your connection to your audience.

Sharon Norris Elliott

Literary Agent, AuthorizeMe®
Life that Matters Ministries
Author, Speaker, Bible Teacher
Religious Broadcaster

“Live significantly!” That’s the inspiring message of Sharon Norris Elliott, award-winning author, popular speaker, astute Bible teacher, and founder/CEO of Life That Matters Ministries and AuthorizeMe®. She encourages everyone who will listen to live a life that matters. Some of her 12 published titles include:

A Woman God Can Bless
366 Glimpses of God: Getting to Know the God Who Knows You
Why I Get into Trouble (the first title of her 7-book children’s series)
Boomerangs to Arrows: A Godly Guide for Launching Young Adult Children
Power Suit: the Armor of God Fit for the Feminine Frame

Sharon is amazed at how God’s goodness has brought her from being “Straight Outta Compton” to standing before great people and audiences. Dedicated to teaching and learning, she is a cum laude college graduate (Biola University), holder of an honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree, and member of several prestigious organizations (ACE, AWSA, SCBWI). Sharon is also a religious broadcaster hosting her own show, Life That Matters with Sharon Norris Elliott, and guest hosting a women’s roundtable show, A View from the Upper Room, on The Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network (HSBN.tv), and the Christian Women’s Word Network (CWWN.tv). Both shows also available on Facebook Live, Spotify and several other platforms.

Under the Life That Matters Ministries umbrella, are her two companies. Milk & Honey Life Retreats rival any other girls’ getaway for both fun and faith enhancement. Through her AuthorizeMe® Consulting, Coaching, and Editing Firm, Sharon edits others’ work, mentors up-and-coming writers and speakers, coaches writers as they draft their manuscripts, and conducts hands-on seminars personally assisting attendees toward their publishing goals. The latest exciting growth of her AuthorizeMe® brand includes her new move to now function as a literary agent.

Sharon is retired from her esteemed 35-year teaching career and now focuses full time on her writing, editing, agenting, and broadcasting. She and her husband James serve at Christ Second Baptist Church in Long Beach, CA, where Sharon is an assistant minister. They enjoy their empty nest, travelling, and visiting their children and grandchildren.

Continuing Session – From Idea to Manuscript to Masterpiece
You have held this book idea in your heart and mind long enough. It’s time to get it out of your brain and down onto paper. But you want to do more than simply write it; you want it to touch the souls of your audience, and you want it to be really good. This muli-part workshop helps develop your thinking and writing to reach toward that goal. Learn to think like an acquisitions editor and publisher as you write the book, to capture the attention and soul of your reader, and to organize your thoughts so they flow beautifully on the page. Taught by literary agent and multi-published author Sharon Norris Elliott, you will walk away from this workshop positioned to be a best-selling published author yourself. 

Dinner Small Group Q&A – AuthorizeMe – Friday 6:30 – 7:15

Sharon Norris Elliott—AuthorizeMe Literary Agency

URL:  www.lifethatmatters.net

FICTION: Biblical Fiction, Inspirational, Women’s Fiction

NONFICTION:  Bible Studies, Christian Living/Ministry/Evangelism, Culture/Contemporary Issues, Devotionals, Discipleship/Personal Growth, Marriage/Personal Experience, Self-Help, Women’s Interests

CHILDREN & YA:  Devotionals, Early Readers, Picture Books

OTHER:  None

Greatest Editorial Needs: The next bestseller!

Overworked topics:  Be sure your memoir has a clear theme or message that meets the need of your reader.

Helpful Tips:  Be ready to work hard at being the best possible advocate and cheerleader for your book. What are you willing to do to market your book and build your platform?

David E. Fessenden
Literary Agent, WordWise Media Services
Publisher and Proprietor, Honeycomb House Publishing LLC
Editorial Coordinator, CLC Publications
Author – www.davefessenden.com 

Dave has degrees in journalism and theology, and over 30 years of experience in writing and editing. He has served in editorial management positions for Christian book publishers and was regional editor for the largest Protestant weekly newspaper in the country.

Dave has published seven books, written hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles, and edited numerous books. He is a frequent speaker at writers’ conferences. Two of his books, Writing the Christian Nonfiction Book: Concept to Contract and A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal, are based on his experience in Christian publishing. The Case of the Exploding Speakeasy, Dave’s first novel, reflects his love for history and for the Sherlock Holmes stories of Arthur SaConan-Doyle.

Dave and his wife, Jacque, live in south-central Pennsylvania and have two adult sons.

Go Indie Continuing Session – Part 5, Front Matter, Back Matter – Yes, It Does Matter! (Saturday, 10:30-11:45)
The very beginning and very end of your manuscript are critical areas. The front matter (foreword, preface, acknowledgments, etc.) creates a first impression, and the back matter (appendices, endnotes, etc.) shows your attention to detail. Here’s how to do it right.

Workshop 6E – The Publishing Contract (Saturday, 2:00-3:00)
Just when you are rejoicing that your book is going to be published, you receive a thick envelope in the mail with the contract. This workshop explains the clauses in a standard book contract, from a layperson’s perspective. Disclaimer: Dave is not a lawyer and does not dispense legal advice!

David Fessenden—WordWise Media Services

URL: www.wordwisemedia.com

FICTION: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Historical Fiction

NONFICTION: Theology, Bible Studies, Professional, Church Issues, Career, Reference

Diana FlegalLinda S. Glaz – no appts
Agent, Hartline Literary Agency  

Linda is an experienced editor, reviewer, multi-published author, and speaker. She has worked as a professional reviewer for a romance site, and just loves anything to do with books. She's extremely active in the judging community and speaks at conferences nationwide. She is also a member of AWSA, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, which takes her speaking from libraries to ladies’ teas, churches, and conferences. Linda understands writers, because she IS a writer. Linda loves to work with new writers, taking them from newbies to well-established authors. She is married with three children and four grandchildren. Having served in the Air Force at a time when it wasn’t exactly politically correct for a woman, she blazed many firsts for women in the military. She has taught karate and self-defense for thirty years and was a national instructor and referee for the largest soccer youth group in the US for twenty-five years. She isn’t afraid to try something new. 

Workshop 1C - Deep, Deep, Deep Deeper POV (Thursday, 11:50-12:50)
Authors stumble and stammer when trying to write solid deep POV. And that’s to be expected when there’s confusion about what deep POV even means. Let’s have some straight talk about ways to write deep POV correctly and to understand when it is and when it isn’t necessary.

Pre-conference Webinar – The Weight of the First Page ((link will be sent to registered conferees when available)
Learn to put POP! and action onto the first page of your work, in a manner that keeps a potential reader … well … reading.

Pre-conference Webinar – Pitching to Industy Professionals (link will be sent to registered conferees when available)
Learn how to construct the much-needed Pitch.

Lunchtime Small Group Q&A– Agenting – Friday 1:00 – 1:45

Linda is not available for appointments. If you want to pitch to her, register for the August 26-28 Colorado Christian Writers Conference.

Jim Hart

Literary Agent
Hartline Literary Agency


Jim Hart is a literary agent with Hartline Literary Agency. He works with both veteran and debut authors and represents a mix of non-fiction and fiction clients. Jim serves both the Christian and general markets.

He is not looking at children’s or middle-grade fiction at this time.

Jim is also a singer/songwriter/worship leader and has been involved in youth and music ministry for several decades. He is a credentialed minister with the Assemblies of God. 


2E – Nonfiction Proposals that Pop (Thursday, 2:45-3:45)
Your book proposal is often the first thing a prospective literary agent and editor will review as part of their decision-making process. Good proposals are noted and followed up on. Bad proposals are deleted and forgotten. “Proposals that Pop” will give you valuable information on what exactly should be, and what should not be, included in your proposal. Some of the themes discussed will include: Basic Structure Guidelines, Compelling Cover Letters, and Knowing When to Stop.

Workshop 4D – So, You Want to Write a Nonfiction Book (Friday, 2:45-3:45)
This class is a discussion of the things an author should consider as they plan to write a nonfiction book. We will explore five important elements that need to be identified in order to write and publish a successful nonfiction book. Among those elements are the reader’s felt need, the author’s qualifications, the message, the audience, and the marketing.

Jim Hart—Hartline Literary Agency

URL:  www.hartlineagency.com

FICTION:  suspense/thrillers/mystery, romance (contemporary, historical, suspense, Amish, general market, legal & political thrillers, action adventure, literary, inspirational, women’s fiction, cozy mystery, speculative and sci-fi. Fiction writers should possess a strong and growing platform.

NONFICTION:  Currently Jim is most interested in non-fiction on the topics of Christian living including the exploration of a deeper relationship with Jesus, thoughtful/reflective work, and theology for the layman. He is also looking at biographies and profiles, discipleship and personal growth, church growth, men’s books, prayer and spiritual warfare, women’s issues, social issues, parenting, leadership, and some self-help. Non-fiction writers will need to show a strong platform in their area of expertise. 


Helpful Tips:  Increasingly, fiction and non-fiction authors are encouraged to promote their novels themselves through writers' conferences, book signings, and web sites. We suggest you establish a web site, and you'll need to create promotional giveaways, arrange your own book signings, or attend writers' conferences. Think outside of the box.

Greg Johnson

President, WordServe Literary

Greg has been in publishing for more than 25 years. Before becoming a full-time literary agent in 1994, he wrote and published 20 works of nonfiction with traditional publishers, as well as being an editor for a teenage boys magazine for five years. In his years as an agent, he has personally represented more than 2,300 books and negotiated more than 1,800 contracts to over 85 publishing houses. These works include adult trade books (non-fiction and fiction), children’s books, specialty Bibles, movie options, video curricula, audio products, gift books and greeting cards.

While Greg’s stable of authors is near full, he will occasionally take on new authors and new projects. Along with representing a broad array of adult nonfiction and fiction, Greg works with pastors and speakers, male and female, who have important and compelling messages to author for their constituents. He has also carved a niche by representing military nonfiction/memoir for those who have served our country from WWII until today. Business books, health and humor rounds out what he is looking to acquire.

Greg is married to Becky and together they are parents of six adult children and seven grandchildren. They make their home near Denver, Colorado.

Greg Johnson—WordServe Literary: General and Christian Market

URL:   www.wordserveliterary.com/submission-guidelines

FICTION:  Women’s, Historical, Suspense, Legal, Literary, Mainstream, Supernatural, Romance 

NONFICTION:  History, Military, Biography, Health, Self-help, Memoir, Family, Current Affairs, Money, Popular Culture, Psychology, Women’s Issues, and other various topics

CHILDREN & YA:  We will consider select titles in YA, Middle Grade, and Children’s Literature. NO Fantasy or Sci-Fi

Overworked topics: We will NOT accept Gift Books, Poetry, Short Stories, Screenplays, Graphic Novels, Science Fiction or Fantasy for any age. 

Helpful Tips:  Acceptable word counts: 60,000 to 120,000. Please remember this is your first writing sample and it may be your only chance to WOW us … so write your query accordingly. There are numerous books, websites, and blogs on how to write great queries (including our own Excelling at the Craft of Writing).

Rachel Kent    – no appts

Literary Agent
Books and Such Literary Agency 

Rachel has been an agent with Books & Such since 2007. She started at Books & Such as a summer intern while she was attending U.C. Davis and then, after graduating, worked part-time at the agency as an assistant. Her favorite part of the job was reading a manuscript and providing an author with feedback to help him or her to improve the project.

She graduated from Davis in three years with a bachelor’s degree in English and minors in both religious studies and psychology.

Rachel has more than ten years of experience and training working closely with Janet Kobobel Grant and Wendy Lawton, as well as part-time with author Robin Jones Gunn in creating marketing materials and promotional ideas to keep Robin connected with her readers. Through Rachel’s work at the agency and with authors, she has gained an understanding of the publishing process, contract negotiation, and what it takes to successfully write and market a book.

Rachel’s goal is to develop strong relationships with her authors and to help them to develop lasting relationships with their editors and publishers. Good relationships have always been important to her. She likes to stick by people. She believes that as long as two people are dedicated toward working together, the relationship can work, and they can accomplish the task at hand.

Rachel acquires fiction and nonfiction projects with a special interest in YA, 20-something and 30-something projects and teen nonfiction.

She lives with her husband and family in Northern California.

Workshop 3E – Internet Safety for Writers (Friday, 11:50-12:50)
Rachel will instruct writers on easy ways to protect themselves, their families, and their identities on the internet. By making small changes to different internet behaviors, authors can still engage with their readers without endangering themselves or their families. Rachel’s class will share practical changes to make so writers are more protected in their day-to-day lives.

Karen NeumairMichelle S. Lazurek
Associate Literary Agent
WordWise Media Services
Author, www.Wordwise media.com

Michelle is a multi-genre award winning author, speaker, pastor's wife, and writing coach. She is a regular contributor for ibelieve.com and crosswalk.com, a movie reviewer for Movieguide Magazine, and a columnist for Leading Hearts Magazine. She also is a literary agent for Wordwise Media Services. When not working, she enjoys sipping a Starbucks latte, collecting 80s memorabilia, and spending time with her family and her crazy dog, Cookie. 

Workshop 6G – Writing Books for Children (Saturday, 2:00 – 3:00)
Many people want to write for children. But how do you write engaging content that not only tells a story but also keeps a young audience engaged despite the instant gratification world in which we live? In this workshop, Michelle will address the following aspects of children’s writing:

Lunchtime Small Group Q&A – AWSA Coaches – Thursday 1:00 – 1:45

Michelle S. Lazurek—WordWise Media Services

URL:  www.Wordwise media.com

FICTION:  All except for Children’s Graphic Novels


Helpful Tips:  Any work of fiction must be complete before we consider it. Unfinished nonfiction is acceptable with a proposal. 

Barb Roose
Literary Agent
Books & Such Literary Agency
Author and Speaker

Barb began writing books as a child because she fell in love with the characters and stories created by her favorite author, Beverly Cleary. Yet, as a little brown-skinned girl with pop-bottle glasses, Barb never dreamed that becoming an author was a real possibility for someone who looked like her.

After a multiple-award career in pharmaceutical sales and non-profit management, Barb spent 14 years on staff at her local church as part of the executive leadership and teaching teams. During that time, Barb attended her first writers conference and received her first writing contract. The dream she hadn’t dared entertain as a child became reality.

In 2016, Barb transitioned from her duties at church to full-time speaking and writing. Her goal is leading and teaching people to overcome their fears so they can live strong, courageous lives and experience God’s great adventure of faith for them. She speaks at conferences and events in the U.S. and abroad, including on multiple national platforms.

Barb became a part of Books & Such in 2014 as a client represented by Rachelle Gardner. Barb saw herself as an author who didn’t know anything about the publishing industry other than being thrilled someone wanted to publish her book. Fast forward several years and a growing library of books with her name on the cover. Barb now wants to help other writers achieve their publishing dreams. The thrill of partnering with authors compelled Barb to say “yes” to joining the Books & Such Literary Management agent team in 2020. Her desire is to come alongside hopeful and established authors to create the most marketable, appealing manuscripts that will build lasting careers and influence readers.

Barb Roose—Books & Such Literary Agency

URL: www.booksandsuch.com




Helpful Tips: We do not accept e-mail queries with attachments or unsolicited phone or postal mail queries.

For info on booking your appointments click here.

For more information on editorial needs, be sure to check the The 2021 Christian Writer’s Market Guide available at a discount from the Write His Answer Bookstore. To help you prepare for GPCWC, I encourage you to also check out the other titles in our bookstore. There is no shipping charge for orders over $35, and all the books are discounted. Book sales help us meet conference expenses.