Agents & Others 2016


All faculty are available for free one-on-one 15-minute appointments!

Be sure to complete and return your Appointment Request form that you will receive when you register. For your appointments to be booked in the order that you registered, your form must be submitted online by July 8. That means early registrants do NOT need to rush. It is wise to wait until all the editorial needs are posted. All appointment requests must be received by July 25.

Barb Haley, our extraordinary Appointments Coordinator,
has prepared three charts (sample below) of
Editorial Needs

Paid Critiques

Areas of Expertise
Note: Info in the Areas of Expertise chart
has not been incorporated into the bios below.


Each chart is 9 pages and will help you to determine
which faculty members to choose for your free one-on-one appointments
and (if desired) paid critiques.


Be sure to also study the helpful info
under the One-on-Ones tab:


Preparing for Appointments

Appointments – Making the Best Choices


Jonathan Clements

Founder & Literary Agent
Wheelhouse Literary Group




Jonathan has worked in the entertainment industry for more 20 years, calling Nashville home for the full term. While he has an extensive background in artist and brand management, career development and consulting, he found his calling in 2005 when he began working with authors as a literary agent. In 2010 Jonathan founded Wheelhouse Literary Group in 2010, after spending the previous five years working with authors and brands for another agency.

Jonathan’s loves include coffee, music, and the ever-elusive well-crafted sentence. Therefore, you may just find him at the local coffee shop, multitasking on his laptop, conducting client meetings, reading manuscripts, and well … enjoying some java drink sure to have cinnamon sprinkles on top. Of course, the end goal is helping writers communicate their passion to the masses, to encourage creative types in spreading their message via book, film, television, or the latest medium available. 

Jonathan and Wheelhouse have worked with dozens of influential writers and brands within the entertainment and publishing worlds over the years, many culminating in New York Times list best-selling books, feature films, documentaries, and television series under his guidance. Always open to a new project pitch, you won’t meet a more approachable agent. Just don't forget the coffee.

Workshop: The Care and Feeding of an Agent (Saturday, 6E)
Some people say literary agents are bears. I don’t happen to adhere to this philosophy. Everything you ever wanted to know about the author/agent relationship.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – personal experience. Fiction – literary, 

Interested in Representing: Film/Television. I don’t desire to see family/parenting or devotionals. I’m open to seeing more personal experience projects.

Wheelhouse represents commercial and literary fiction in the general areas of inspirational, historical, contemporary, military, as well as biography/memoir, sports, political, current events, and pop culture non-fiction – all with a values-friendly approach. Wheelhouse clients reach audiences seeking stimulating storylines, poignant prose, and motivating messages.

David E. Fessenden
Literary Agent, WordWise Media Services
Independent Publishing Consultant, Editor 


Dave is a literary agent with WordWise Media Services and an independent publishing consultant with degrees in journalism and theology. He has over 30 years of experience in writing and editing. He has served in editorial management positions for Christian book publishers and was regional editor for the largest Protestant weekly newspaper in the country. Dave has published seven books, written hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles, and edited numerous books. He is a frequent speaker at writers’ conferences. Writing the Christian Nonfiction Book: Concept to Contract and A Christian Writer’s Guide to the Book Proposal, both published by SonFire Media, are based on his experience in Christian publishing. The Case of the Exploding Speakeasy, Dave’s first novel, reflects his love for history and for the Sherlock Holmes stories of Arthur Conan-Doyle. Dave and his wife, Jacque, live in south-central Pennsylvania and have two adult sons.

Workshop: Book Proposals: The Front-End Method (Saturday, 5E)
Maybe one in ten book proposals is complete and well-prepared. Why? Because most authors go about it backwards, and it’s a process doomed to failure. This workshop shows you how to prepare a simple and successful proposal.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – academic, apologetics, Bible studies, biographies, book proposals, Christian living, Christian ed & curriculum, Christian ministry and leadership, culture and contemporary issues, devotionals, evangelism, gift books, humor, inspirational, marriage, memoir, personal experience, prayer, spiritual growth, and spiritual warfare. Fiction – action and adventure, biblical fiction, contemporary, contemporary suspense, crime and mystery, fantasy, futuristic, historical, issues fiction, legal and political thrillers, literary, novellas, sci-fi, speculative, suspense, suspense and thriller, thriller and mystery, and thriller and supernatural. Other – blogging, humor, lyrics, songs. Children and YA – biographies, chapter books, devotionals, graphic novels, middle grade fiction, nonfiction books, novels, tweens, YA & older teens fiction.

Interested in Representing: Nonfiction – academic, semi-academic, apologetics, anthologies, biblical studies, Christian living/ministry/leadership, devotionals, evangelism, inspirational, profiles, spiritual growth, and issues nonfiction.

Fiction – crime, mystery, fantasy, futuristic, historical, literary, novellas, sci-fi, speculative, suspense, suspense and thriller, thriller and mystery, thriller and supernatural, and women’s fiction.

Diana Flegal – Literary Agent, Hartline Literary Agency     Unable to come

Jim Hart
Literary Agent

Hartline Literary Agency




In addition to Jim’s day job as a literary agent, he is also a singer/songwriter/worship leader and has been involved in youth and music ministry for several decades. He is credentialed with the Assemblies of God and leads worship each week at his local church.  Prior to his work as an agent, Jim worked for a large urban social ministry for twelve years, running a soup kitchen, meals on wheels, and emergency food pantry. When he’s not reading manuscripts, Jim can be found reading non-fiction titles and sci-fi. He recently discovered graphic novels.

Workshop: Starting Strong, Strategies for First Lines and First Pages for Nonfiction Authors (Friday, 3D)
We will cover the importance of knowing what the first pages of your nonfiction books should accomplish, such as: hooking your reader, informing your reader, and persuading your reader. Along with discussing Strategies for Strong First Lines, we will also talk about the importance of knowing how to begin unpacking your Big Idea in the early pages of your book.

Interested in Representing: Jim’s client list includes both veteran and debut authors, and represents a mix of fiction and nonfiction. He serves both the Christian and general markets. Fiction – He is looking for authors who can write unique and engaging contemporary romance, contemporary suspense, crime and mystery, fantasy, futuristic, historical, literary, romance, romantic suspense, sci-fi, speculative, suspense, suspense and thriller, thriller and mystery, thriller and supernatural, and women’s fiction. Nonfiction – Bible studies, biographies, Christian living, culture/contemporary issues, evangelism, family and parenting, church growth, leadership, inspirational, spiritual growth, spiritual warfare, women’s interests, and some self-help. Authors need to possess a growing platform. Nonfiction writers will need to show a strong platform in their area of expertise. Jim is not looking at children’s, YA, devotional, or memoir proposals at this time.

Cyle Young

Literary Agent
Hartline Literary Agency

Managing Editor,


Cyle is a children’s, family, and sports pastor who works with over 500 wonderful children and students weekly. He is also co-creator of All Out sports, Family Land, and Foreverland. Cyle has won sixteen literary awards for his writing, including his latest release, Belly Buttons and Broken Hearts. He is also the managing editor of a website that equips aspiring writers,

As a former National Champion football player at the University of Michigan, Cyle takes pride that he won his first writing award for his princess picture book, Princess Penelope. He graduated from Michigan and married his sweetheart Patty. They have three wonderful children on earth, and two in heaven.

Cyle received two Master’s degrees from Liberty Seminary. He is editor of First Steps: Student Version. This 100,000+ selling independent discipleship curriculum is used internationally to disciple adults and students over the course of twelve weeks. Cyle also is a co-writer of All Out Sports devotionals and curriculums, used annually by over 10,000+ students and parents.

At any given moment Cyle will be bouncing between multiple manuscripts allowing his ADD-riddled mind “room to breathe.” He finds great joy in writing and loves to bounce between crafting epic high fantasy tales and helpful nonfiction parenting books, and getting lost in the melodic rhythm of children’s poetry.

Growing up a child of the 80s, video games like Zelda, Wizards and Warriors, and Heroes of Might and Magic helped steer Cyle to a love for all things fantasy related. It didn’t hurt that he often had the animated version of The Hobbit and The Princess Bride on repeat. Yes, those were VHS movies.

When not sharing the gospel or playing with his kids, Cyle spends his time avoiding snakes, hiding from aliens, and doing his best to never again pass gas on a horse.

Early Bird Workshop: The Wonderful World of Wordpress Widgets (Wednesday, E19, 4:45 – 5:45)
A Wordpress blog is only as good as its plugins and widgets. This course covers over 50 of the most useful and necessary plugins and widgets for the Wordpress blogging platform. Class participants will leave this class with greater understanding of how to set up their site to produce the most reader connection. They will also discover how to maximize their site’s footprint in web searches.

Teens Write: From Aliens to Passing Gas on a Horse (Thursday, 4:30 – 5:15)
Devotions don’t have to be super-serious or so chock full of Scripture there’s no room for story.

Workshop: Shouting in a Windstorm (Friday, 3F)
Understand why only 12%-16% of your friends or followers see your Facebook or Twitter posts, and learn how to improve the chances they will be seen. Discover the secrets of Edgerank, Facebook’s ever-changing formula, and learn how you can maximize your social presence. Learn the secrets to post frequency and utilize a top social marketing philosophy to create ancillary accounts and pages to drive traffic, increase your followers and likes, and grow your platform. 

Workshop: 100 Tech Tools Writers Need (Saturday, 6A)
The Internet provides a wealth of resources for writers. In this class we will review over 100 new and popular tech tools that will help you as a writer. Learn what a Thunderclap is and how it can help you share your book launch with the world. Gain more Twitter followers through Followback programs. Create amazing graphics for book covers and social media through Canva or PicMonkey. These are just a few, come to the class and learn about many more!

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – most genres (see chart). Fiction – any genre. Other – blogging, creating a brand, humor, marketing plans, website evaluation.

Interested in Representing: Nonfiction - most genres. Fiction – any genre. Most – children, romance, and YA. Least – Memoir.

Other Professionals

Dr. Ted Baehr

Founder and Chairman
The Christian Film & Television Commission™ 
Publisher, MOVIEGUIDE® Magazine

        “He who controls the media controls the culture.” – Ted Baehr 


Ted is a noted critic, educator, lecturer, and media pundit. His life’s purpose is to be used of God to redeem the values of the media while educating audiences on how to use discernment in selecting their entertainment. He is Founder and Publisher of MOVIEGUIDE®: The Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment. MOVIEGUIDE® Magazine offers in-depth analyses of current movies from a biblical perspective. Not only are issues of violence, sex, and profanity directly addressed, MOVIEGUIDE® digs deeply into the moral content, theology, and worldviews of the movies, videos, and television programs it reviews. In addition Ted writes a syndicated column for publications nationwide.

Ted is also the Founder and Chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission® ministry, a non-profit organization dedicated to redeeming the values of the mass media of entertainment by influencing the entertainment industry and by informing and equipping the general public of the impact that the mass media has on its audiences.The CFTVC is the only active liaison between studio executives and the general public for issues of family entertainment and faith. CTFVC sponsors the Annual MOVIEGUIDE® Faith & Values Awards Gala and Report to the Entertainment Industry, which includes two $100,000 Epiphany Prizes for the Most Inspiring Movie and Most Inspiring TV Program as well as the $50,000 Kairos Prize Contest for Spiritually Uplifting Screenplays by Beginning Screenwriters. These cash awards are sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation to honor movies, television programs, and scripts that “greatly increase man’s love or understanding of God.”

Armed with over 40 years of research on the media and culture, Ted’s lectures have taken him to speak at the European Parliament, the House of Lords of the Parliament of the U.K., the Parliament of Norway, the Bombay Communication Institute, Yale University, Dartmouth College, the University of Virginia, and U.C.L.A. Baehr makes himself available to address hundreds of churches and civic groups each year. He has been a featured guest on Oprah, Hannity and Colmes, CNN, ABC, Fox News Channel, MSNBC, and Entertainment Tonight.

Ted’s work has been featured in such publications as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Time Magazine, USA Today, The L.A. Times, The Washington Post, Hollywood Reporter, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and U.S. News and World Report. He has authored numerous books including:

Ted is the son of Robert Allen and Evelyn Peirce, both successful stage, screen, and television actors. He is married and has four children.

Keynote: Transforming Our Culture (Thursday, 8:30 am)
What you need to know about the current state of the mass media of entertainment and how to use your faith to make Hollywood and the world a better place for your children and grandchildren.

Continuing Session: Breakthrough Scriptwriting
Learn how to write a script that is structurally sound, entertaining, morally responsible, and very marketable. Ted will show you how to go from treatment to theatrical release so you can get the Word out through the mass media of entertainment. He also includes valuable information about key principles of communicating through movies and television from a Christian perspective.

Teens Write: Making It BIG in the Movies (Thursday, 2:45 – 3:30)
Lots of instruction, discussion, training exercises, and critiques.   

Paid Critiques: Screenplays.

Sarah Bolme

Director, Christian Small Publishers Assc. (CSPA)
Owner, Crest Publications



Sarah is the Director of Christian Small Publishers Association (CSPA), the owner of Crest Publications, and the author of 7 books including the award-winning Your Guide to Marketing Books in the Christian Marketplace and numerous articles. A clinical social worker by education and experience, Sarah stumbled into the world of publishing after her two self-help books were published by a small publisher. Sarah and her husband, a fiction author, then collaborated on a set of board books for infants and toddlers after the birth of their children. After much thought and research, they decided to publish the project themselves. This decision led to the creation of Crest Publications and Sarah’s journey into publishing and marketing books. Visit her blog –

Workshop: Sell More Books (Thursday, 2F)
The what, why, who, when, how, and where of book endorsements. Come learn how to acquire and use this often neglected, but powerful tool in promoting and marketing a book. 

Megan Breedlove

Author, Speaker
Website Consultant



Megan is an author, speaker, and website consultant whose website for more than five years has held one of the top two spots on Google for relevant search terms.  She is the author of Manna for Moms, Well Done Good and Faithful Mommy, and Chaotic Joy, all from Baker. Megan has also written for several magazines and websites, including Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse magazine,,, Molly Green, and The Voice of Grace and Truth newspaper. Her website,, offers weekly devotions for moms and receives thousands of hits each month. Recently, Megan has ghostwritten several cozy mysteries as well as several under her own name.

Continuing Session with Dr. Harold Arnold Jr.: Converting Your Passion to a Platform
You've been called to bring Christ's message to a broken world. How do you make sure you give your audience the kingdom experience they truly need? And how do you reach more of the people that God places in your path? Learn how to maximize your influence by better understanding your unique message, refined targeting to your audience, and discerning their needs through relational engagement; increasing your website's Google ranking; delivering a "product" your audience desires; and exploring various means of delivering that "product", so you can become the person in whom Christ is well pleased with a message of hope for all who need to hear it.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – devotionals, family and parenting, humor, marriage, women’s interests. Other – blogging, creating a brand, website evaluation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

The Christian Message Coach 

Click here for an exciting opportunity
Patricia is offering at the conference. 

Patricia works with Christian speakers and writers—already established offline—who want to take their message online. We focus on the basics, discovering (or rediscovering) the specific people Christ wants you to serve, the unique message He wants you to communicate, and the transformation your audience can expect to receive. Then we create your professional online presence to make that happen so you can attract and serve your ideal clients around the world.

Like my clients, I have an eclectic background. For over 35 years, I trained employees in my professional life and served adult survivors of childhood abuse in my ministry life.
During those years, I delivered over 5,000 teaching sessions at work, church, and in the community, not counting the 8 years my husband David and I home-schooled our 2 daughters. We’re now empty-nesters living in Atlanta.

Workshop: Who Is Really in Your Audience (Friday, 4E)
Christ gifted you to serve a specific audience. Discover precisely who they are and create content that fits them perfectly to establish a loyal following.

Services Offered: I am interested in clients who are hungry to know who is in their target market and are ready to start developing their websites or blogs. 

Sharon Norris Elliott

Author, AWSA Board Member
Founder/CEO, Life That Matters Ministries
AuthorizeMe Consulting, Coaching, and Editing Services 



Sharon excitedly coaches other Christian writers in communicating their Kingdom messages through the spoken and written word because she firmly believes, “We’re all on the same team!” She’s a 25-year veteran of this business, founder and CEO of AuthorizeMe, and author of 10 books (so far). The newest opportunity with which God has blessed her is to serve as a religious broadcaster hosting 2 programs on the Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network (“Life That Matters with Sharon Norris Elliott” and “A View from the Upper Room”). The network is currently being seen in 120 countries, and her position with the network allows her to offer worldwide exposure to Christian authors, speakers, and ministers.

Continuing Session: From Proposal to Print
So you have a book idea. Great. Now it’s time to transform the vision into reality. Exactly how do I organize my book project? What is a book proposal and how do I write one? What are the acquisitions editors looking for? How do I convince the publishing house that I’m the perfect person to be writing this book? If these are some of your questions, this workshop has your answers. Each participant will receive individual coaching on his/her project and will leave with both a great kick-start and a defined goal to get that book completed and into the hands of a publisher.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – book proposals.

Karen V.D.H. Fischer, MS, RD, JD

University of Phoenix Faculty Member



Karen Van Den Heuvel Fischer is an attorney, Registered Dietitian, and published author. Passionate about writing, she has worked with SEO firms and taught English composition and creative writing. Her debut novel, Hidden Bloodlines, will be released this July. Adult education has been an important aspect of her career where she has created and presented numerous workshops and seminars for profit and nonprofit organizations and is currently an on-ground faculty member with the University of Phoenix. Her academic achievements include graduating Summa Cum Laude with a doctorate in jurisprudence, as well as earning a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Nutrition, both degrees being conferred with honors. She has two grown children and lives with her husband in Colorado. Visit her at for helpful nutrition tips, recipes, and more to add spice to your life.

Workshop: The Writer’s Balancing Act – Minor Changes for Major Improvements  (Thursday, 2A)
It’s common knowledge that cigarette smoking is a major risk factor for lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and a myriad of other life-threatening illnesses. According to the American Diabetes Association, sitting is the next “cigarette.” However, sitting is to a writer as running is to an athlete. It’s essential. Learn which five simple steps are proven to reduce your risk. 

Workshop: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for the Technically Challenged – What the SEO Firms Won’t Tell You (Friday, 4A)
SEO firms charge big dollars to enhance your web presence through search engine optimization. But what does that mean? How can technically challenged writers benefit from SEO without breaking the bank? Learn what the SEO firms don’t tell you and enhance your web presence. 

Workshop: Writers – Beware the Legal Pitfalls (Saturday, 6B)
In a society fraught with legal land mines, writers and publishers alike have found themselves tiptoeing through the landscape. The purpose of this workshop is to flag some of those mines and gather insight on how to avoid being blown up or falling into a pit.   

Deanna Garlic

CEO and Founder of F.O.C.U.S.E.D. Plans, LLC
Founder and Publisher, Stay Focused Magazine


The vision of F.O.C.U.S.E.D. Plans, LLC is to see you and your business prosper. They firmly believe that with your partnership and help this vision will surely come to pass and not linger. Through her coaching business Deanna provides both leadership skills and administrative management and support to various types of businesses, individuals, churches, and community organizations. Leadership and administrative management are two areas found to either make or break a business.

Deanna’s background includes a bachelor’s degree from Rutger’s University in sociology and labor studies and a master’s degree from Eastern University in nonprofit management. She was an instructor for three years teaching How to Start a Small Business at Camden County College. Her professional experience includes over 21 years combined of direct service and working as an administrator fighting for children’s and parent’s rights, both preventing and intervening in child abuse and neglect matters. She also has over 18 years of experience recruiting, training, and supporting volunteers.

For five years Deanna was the Executive Director of Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) of Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem (CGS) Counties, Inc. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience of the nonprofit sector and the child welfare system of New Jersey. After all, God is in the business of saving people, and we should be too. As executive director, Deanna expanded the program to serve two additional counties, recruit and train over 60 additional volunteers, and serve hundreds more children during her tenure.

Workshop: Full-Time Writing? (Friday, 3A)
In this workshop writers learn how to work from home full time. Take into consideration all the questions we must ask ourselves prior to venturing into a full-time writing career/business. “How long can we live without a pay check? Can I multi-task? Is my family supportive of this decision?” etc. Learning fund development is vital for a writing career to survive. Develop a financial plan that has your spiritual and business goals in mind. Learn some steps to help you stay focused.

Marty Goetz

Recording Artist
Modern Day Psalmist


Marty has been called a “Modern Day Psalmist.” His songs are scriptures beautifully set to music, leaving listeners spiritually moved, inspired, and edified. 

Marty became a “Jew born anew” when, provoked by the increasing number of “born agains” in his life, he began reading the Bible, “looking for loopholes.” A few short weeks later, sitting alone one night on a friend’s balcony, he realized with certainty that “the Jesus of the New Testament was the Messiah my Jewish people have been longing for.” 

He has been recording music steadily since 1985, and today lives outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife Jennifer, who also is a Jewish believer in Jesus. They have one married daughter, Misha, who is herself a worship leader and recording artist. 

Wednesday evening concert – don’t miss it! 7:30 pm in Chatlos Chapel. Open free of charge to the community!

Rachel Hauck

Bestselling & Award-winning Author
Mentor, My Book Therapy
ACFW Mentor of the Year & Executive Board Member



Rachel lives in sunny central Florida. She is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, a RITA Award and Christy Award finalist, and has been named to Booklist Top Ten Inspirationals.She also penned the acclaimed Songbird Novels with multi-platinum recording artist Sara Evans. A graduate of Ohio State University with a degree in journalism, she worked in the corporate software world before planting her backside in an uncomfortable chair to write full time in 2004. She serves on the Executive Board for American Christian Fiction Writers. She is a mentor and book therapist at My Book Therapy, a conference speaker, and worship leader. Married to her best friend, she writes from her two-story tower in an exceedingly more comfy chair.

Continuing Session: The Story Equation
Get your story started in the right direction! Whether you’re a beginning or multi-published author, a plotter or pantser, this continuing session will add critical tools to your storytelling tool belt. Rachel will walk you through ten core elements that will set the foundation for any story. 

J.B. Hixson

J.B. Hixson Ph.D.
President, Not By Works Ministries
Representative, Logos 6
Professor, Pastor, Author
National Radio Host



J. B. has more than 25 years of ministry experience in the pastoral and academic arenas. He has a passion for communicating God’s Word in a clear and meaningful manner and for helping others learn how to study the Bible effectively for themselves. J. B. is the President of Not By Works Ministries in Groveland, IL, and host of the radio show Not By Works heard daily on radio stations across the country. He also serves on the adjunct faculty of several colleges and seminaries and has traveled to all 50 states where he has spoken in more than 450 churches and conferences. 

J. B. earned his B.A. degree from Houston Baptist University, Th.M. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. degree from Baptist Bible Seminary. He is the author of Getting the Gospel Wrong, The Gospel Unplugged, The Great Last Days Deception, Freely By His Grace, and What Lies Ahead, as well as numerous theological journal articles. J. B. and his wife, Wendy, live with their six children in Central Illinois. 

Keynote: Be Prepared: Living & Writing His Answer in the Last Days (Thursday pm)
We live in a rapidly changing world of spiritual realities, cosmic battles, and unseen enemies. It is a frightening world of lies and hidden agendas. Dr. Hixson examines Satan’s powerful agenda and explains how to discern truth from error in an age of universal deceit. Be encouraged to tackle tough subjects in persuasive and beneficial ways.

Workshop: Using the Sword (Thursday, 1A)
The Bible is the best seller of all time – and for good reason! How to incorporate Scripture into your writing in an effective and meaningful way, regardless of the genre.

Representing Logos 6 – Logos 6 is the smartest way to study the Word. With easy-to-use tools and a massive theological library, Logos 6 delivers insight. Pinpoint answers in seconds, study the Word in its cultural context, uncover meaning in the original languages, and answer questions with confidence. Logos will be offering special discounts on all base collections and upgrades at the conference. 

Ann Knowles

Author, Speaker, Teacher
Editor & Proofreader, Write Pathways



Ann is a freelance writer, editor, and speaker. Her goal is to touch the hearts of her readers with the words she writes. She has published articles and devotionals in national, regional, and local magazines and newspapers, and online. Ann holds an M. A. Ed, with advanced studies in ESL, religious journalism, and biblical counseling. 
Being a pastor’s wife has given her a heart for ministry and a love for missionaries. Helping new writers polish their work and get it published is her delight. She is passionate about writing for “Christ to the World Ministries” because she can be a missionary through her radio dramas that are heard in 32 languages, often in places where missionaries cannot go. She writes stories, book reviews, radio Bible study scripts, and biblical radio dramas. She has published in three compilations. 

Through editing and mentoring, Ann strives to bring readers in touch with amazing stories written by Christian authors. She edits, proofreads, and critiques Christian books, both fiction and nonfiction. When she’s not writing or editing, Ann enjoys spending time with her  grandchildren, traveling with her husband, and studying the Bible. Texas owns a little piece of her heart.

Early Bird Workshops: Writing Articles Editors Will Love, Part 1 & 2  (Wednesday, E2, 1:00 – 2:00; E7, 2:15 – 3:45)
Learn how to write specific kinds of articles—(1) How-to Articles. (2) Personal Experience (3) Interviews and (4) Issue-Oriented. Templates and handouts provided for further practice. (Part 1 covers articles 1-3. Part 2 covers article 4 and allows participants to write an article and sign up for Ann to critique it.)

Workshop: Storyboarding Your Characters – A Picture’s Worth A Thousand Words (Thursday, 1C)
Make your reader fall in love with your characters – Six ways a reader gets to know your characters:  background, physical description, mannerisms, dialogue, action/reaction, and introspection. Interactive class participation. Character chart provided.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – articles, devotionals, personal experience, prayer. Children & YA – articles, biographies, devotionals, picture books.

Yvonne Ortega

Author, Speaker, Counselor, Teacher, Coach
Certified World Class Speaking Coach



 Yvonne believes as long as we have breath, there’s hope we can move from broken to beautiful. With honesty and humor, she shares her life and struggles through presentations that help women to:

As a speaker, author, counselor, teacher and coach, Yvonne has served the community. She has spoken for cancer support groups, hospitals, service organizations, jails, prisons, and writers groups.

Yvonne has a Master of Education in Counseling and degrees in Spanish. Her background as a licensed professional counselor, licensed substance abuse treatment practitioner, and clinically certified domestic violence counselor gives her a unique perspective on the heart of women. Her counseling experiences in jails, prisons, and outpatient services add depth and humor to her presentations, as do her years of teaching mostly high school and college Spanish.

For Yvonne, hope and healing are more than theories from a textbook. She has survived and thrived after breast cancer, divorce, single parenting, car accidents, and multiple family losses within weeks of one another including the loss of her only child.

Early Bird Workshops: How to Speak with Passion, Power, and Polish (Wednesday, E1, 1:00 – 2:00; E7 (2:15 – 3:45)
If you fear speaking in public, you’re not alone. Gain confidence and tips from Yvonne’s personal examples and a professional model to eliminate a weak opening and replace it with a dynamic one. Replace confusing content with clear, compelling content. Avoid common delivery mistakes and present with power, passion and polish. 

Workshop: Writing About Trauma (Saturday, 5D)
Setbacks, sickness, and heartaches are part of living in this world. We can wallow in them or turn them into something beautiful. How to write to find healing for yourself and your readers.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – books, inspirational, personal experience, spiritual growth, women’s interests.

Marti Pieper

Author, Collaborative Writer, Editor 
Co-captain, Appointment Desk


Marti’s passion to read, write, and pray makes her life an adventure. A worship pastor’s wife and mother of five young adults, she serves as author, collaborative writer, editor, and popular conference speaker. Passionate about teens as well as missions, she also serves as Director of Prayer and Publication for Awe Star Ministries, a student mission-sending organization. Her latest book is Out of the Dust: Story of an Unlikely Missionary, a memoir written for Avis Goodhart. 

Early Bird Workshop: Narrative Nonfiction – The Power of Story (Wednesday, E6, 1:00 – 2:00)
How can I make my nonfiction more compelling? How can truth and creativity coexist in my work? In this workshop, which includes both practical tips and inspiring examples, Marti shares the basics of this popular genre. Learn how to transform your writing through the power of authentic storytelling while you catch—and keep—your readers.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – most genres (see chart). Fiction – contemporary romance, novellas, romance, southern, women's fiction. Children/YA: nonfiction book, articles, novels for YA and older teens.

Nancy Rue
Writer Mentorship Program



Nancy comes to the mentoring table with a wealth of experience: 31 years writing both fiction and nonfiction for middle grade, YA, new adult, and adult audiences and 43 years teaching creative writing. She has 122 published books to her credit. She spent 15 years getting up at 4:00 a.m. to write books before leaving to teach school, until she was finally able to pursue writing full-tine in 1995. While still writing, Nancy has expanded her ministry through her Writers Mentorship Program to mentor new authors who are led to a writing ministry of their own.

Clinic: Advanced Fiction Intensive
If you have a completed manuscript in any fiction genre, including middle grade or young adult, Nancy will guide you in making your work richer, deeper, and more polished in readiness for submission to agents and editors. Interactive presentations and in-class exercises based on the students’ own work will include:

Strengthening plot
Deepening character
Enriching detail
Improving dialogue
Fine-tuning imagery
Expressing your “message”
Developing the needed platform
Writing a synopsis
Putting together a proposal
Writing a query letter
Writing a series
Revising your own work      
Click here for more info and application.

Angela Schans

?YouTube & Twitter Expert



Angela Schans is a substitute teacher and parent of 4 school-age children. She  published a short inspirational memoir, Meetings With Beppe, and she has been producing daily devotional videos and articles on since August of 2013. Her devotional videos are enjoyed in 86 countries and fill the first 8 results for Google video search “encouraging Christian devotionals.”

Her writing has propelled her into public speaking engagements, eldercare expos, and lecturing for the APT Bible College in the Fiji Islands and stateside Christian conferences.

Angela loves to inspire faith, love, and action. Her key verse is Matthew 25:40, "And the King will say, 'I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!'”

Early Bird Workshop: Harness the Power of the Tweet (Wednesday, E10, 2:15-3:45)
Bring your Twitter following from 0-1,000 in a month and generate hundreds of daily TARGETED website views that JUST KEEP COMING AFTER YOUR WORK IS DONE. Use the 4 POWER TWEETS that bring 90% of my website traffic as a template for your own success!

Workshop: You Can YouTube (Saturday, 5A)
Develop a worldwide platform for marketing your books (or future books) through Youtube. With no more than your computer you can reach the WORLD with your message. It’s free. It’s easy. It’s fun. TAKE THIS BEGINNER CRASH COURSE!

Jonathan W. Shank, M.Div.        

Website Development Project Director
SKWD Associates, LLC. 




Jonathan has a Master of Divinity Degree from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary and 13 years of experience in Website Development, Ministry Organization, and Data Processing. His unique combination of gifts allow SKWD to provide our partners with cutting edge design and functionality in their websites. The Lord has given him amazing gifts in the areas of design and creativity. Jonathan’s goal in ministry and web development is to partner with others seeking to further God’s Kingdom through their individual ministries as writers, counselors, missionaries, pastors, etc.

SKWD is a custom web designer who creates, maintains, and provides end user support. They have been helping organizations enhance their competitive edge since 2002. Our team of experts has over 100 years of combined experience in the computer industry. Over 50% of our staff has advanced degrees in their field of study. SKWD has the tools to fit every one of your organization’s technological needs, from hardware and software to graphic and web design. SKWD utilizes the power of JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, ASP, JQuerry, SQL Server 2005, 2008, SQL Express, and Microsoft Server 2003 and 2008.

A word from GPCWC’s director, Marlene  Bagnull: 
“SKWD redesigned my sites:,, and They are an answer to MANY prayers. Their easy to use Content Management System (EZ-CMS) really is easy and allows me to change, delete, and add copy and pages to the websites without needing to use HTML. Jonathan and the team of professionals at SKWD are wonderfully creative and highly skilled. They provide outstanding support and are a joy to work with. I HIGHLY recommend them and deeply appreciate their ministry heart.”

Kim Sponaugle

Art Director, Fruitbearer Kids
Founder/Owner, Picture Kitchen Studio


Kim is a graduate of The Art Institute of Philadelphia. She began working for David C. Cook Publishing designing children’s curriculum and products, but she soon found her heart’s vocation in children’s illustration. In 2000, Kim illustrated her first picture book series, Beatrice Loses Her Doll and Beatrice’s New Clothes, with Concordia Publishing House. She has been fascinated with the process and creation of children’s books ever since. In 2007, Kim started Picture Kitchen Studio and has had the pleasure of interacting and working with both traditional publishers and self-published authors on illustration projects, is a children's book cover designer, and has illustrated more than 60 books for kids. Kim has been honored to receive The Mom’s Choice Award, Pinnacle Book, CIPA EVVY, Reader’s Favorite Awards, is Story Monster approved and most recently has won a Purple Dragonfly Award (first place for illustrations, Nickerbacher, the Funniest Dragon.) Kim lives in Salem County, New Jersey, with her husband, son, and a little Westie named Casey.  

Picture Book Mentoring Clinic – Read It Again, Please with Pam Halter
Writing for kids is not easy.

*Authors have to keep kids interested and entertain the adult who will be reading to them.
*Authors need to write in such a way as to inspire an illustrator they may never meet.
*Illustrators need stories that create pictures in their minds.

Award-winning author/illustrator team, Pam Halter and Kim Sponaugle, love picture books! This clinic will break down the picture book process in such a way that participants will leave with a manuscript that is ready to submit to a traditional house or to self publish with confidence. Click here for more information and application.