Authors 2016


All faculty are available for free one-on-one 15-minute appointments!

Be sure to complete and return your Appointment Request form that you will receive when you register. For your appointments to be booked in the order that you registered, your form must be submitted online by July 8. That means early registrants do NOT need to rush. It is wise to wait until all the editorial needs are posted. All appointment requests must be received by July 25.

Barb Haley, our extraordinary Appointments Coordinator,
has prepared charts (sample below) of
Paid Critiques

Areas of Expertise
Note: Info in the Areas of Expertise chart
has not been incorporated into the bios below.

Each chart is 9 pages and will help you to determine
which faculty members to choose for your free one-on-one appointments
and (if desired) paid critiques.


Be sure to also study the helpful info
under the One-on-Ones tab:


Preparing for Appointments

Appointments – Making the Best Choices

Dr. Harold L. Arnold, Jr.

Founder, The Pursuit of Influence 



Dr. Harold is founder of The Pursuit of Influence, an organization that helps individuals and organizations develop authentic relationships that convert to actionable results. Dr. Harold specializes in integrating theology, psychology, and culture in his resources and program delivery. He holds graduate degrees in Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy and has authored two books by Judson Press, Marriage ROCKS for Christian Couples and the Marriage ROCKS for Christian Couples Leader’s Guide.

He is a senior marriage and relationship columnist for Called Magazine and has contributed articles to Focus on the Family and many other print and online magazines. He and his wife Dalia conduct marriage and relationship workshops internationally that empower relationships. Dr. Harold also trains and encourages leaders through his highly interactive Redemptive leadership workshops. In addition, Dr. Harold uses his blog at and “The Leading You Home” podcast to produce content that teaches being a person of authentic and purposeful Influence regardless of the setting in which one operates. With all of his accomplishments, Dr. Harold is most proud of his marriage of more than twenty-six years and his two wonderful children, Quilan and Kyrsten.

His latest book, Second Shift, addresses one of life’s most frustrating challenges – knowing you were born to do great things, but feeling you never quite have enough time, energy, or resources to get there. 

Continuing Session with Megan Breedlove: Converting Your Passion to a Platform
You've been called to bring Christ's message to a broken world. How do you make sure you give your audience the kingdom experience they truly need? And how do you reach more of the people that God places in your path? Learn how to maximize your influence by better understanding your unique message, refined targeting to your audience, and discerning their needs through relational engagement; increasing your website's Google ranking; delivering a "product" your audience desires; and exploring various means of delivering that "product", so you can become the person in whom Christ is well pleased with a message of hope for all who need to hear it.

Sandra Barnes




Sandra has a love for multiculturalism that has taken her around the world to collect stories. She is a published author in both non-fiction and fiction genres, and she has writing credits in magazines and journal articles as well. Her contemporary YA novel, Presence of Cyn, was a 2015 Christian Literary Award finalist. When Sandra is not spending time with her husband and two teenagers, she enjoys counseling and speaking to church, community, and writer’s groups.

Workshop: Stereotyping (Saturday, 5G)
Want to connect more deeply with a broader range of readers? Then, this is the workshop for you. Let’s face it, some topics are tricky. In this workshop, participants will gain tips on dealing delicately with sensitive issues; learn how to incorporate vulnerable populations as story characters (handicapped, intellectually challenged, mentally ill); and discover exciting ways to include culturally different groups without stereotyping characters. Ultimately, participants will walk away with new knowledge on how to transfer authentic people, personality traits, and real life problems into believable fiction.

Robert Cook

Author, Pastor, Speaker
Founder, 252 Underground Youth Ministry




Rob is the award winning author of the international best seller, REGENER8 and his latest release, ILLUMIN8. He is also the founder of 252 Underground Youth Ministry. He lives in Philadelphia where he pastors a church. Rob is a catalyst. Hard core teens have been mentored, encouraged, and given hope that no one else has offered.

Message: Jesus loves you, so I don't have to (Thursday am)
Sounds like a funny t-shirt or bumper sticker,but the harsh reality is not funny. I know countless professing Christians who hide behind this slogan, “Jesus loves you,” without really loving this generation of young people.

Teens Write: Rob will be part of the 5:30 – 6:00 pm panel on Thursday.

Michael Gantt

Author, Speaker
?Pastor, Musician


Michael served the Agape Christian Fellowship in Brattleboro, Vermont for over 35 years before turning the reigns over to his eldest son Bryan who now serves as lead pastor. Michael is enjoying retirement from the pastoral ministry by leading the mission team at the church, teaching discipleship courses, and filling the pulpit when needed. He is also the Executive Director of the Kenya Development Fund, a non-profit dedicated to working with the Deaf in Kenya, East Africa. He spends much of his time filling speaking engagements where he is a champion for the restoration of the family, for maintaining the integrity of God’s Word, and encouraging Christians to view the world through the lens of the inspired Scriptures.

Keynote: Guarding the Treasure (Friday, 8:30 am)
In 2 Timothy Paul admonishes Timothy to carefully guard the “treasure” or “good deposit” that has been left with him for future generations. Will you?

Workshop: The Cross Is the Main Thing (Friday, 3G)
In our focus on issues, we have become more suited to announcing judgment than preaching redemption. How to keep the main thing the main thing!


Terri Gillespie
Author, Speaker
Creator, Ruth and Naomi Initiative



Terri is an award-winning author and speaker. Her writing credits include head writer for the Restoration of Israel Minute, heard on twenty-five stations in eleven states and Canada; Making Eye Contact with God—A Women’s Devotional; She Does Good Hair, Cut It Out! (books one and two of The Hair Mavens series); and head copyeditor of the Old Testament for the new Tree of Life Version—TLV. She lives with her husband of forty-one years outside Philadelphia. They have one adult daughter who lives in Chicago with her husband and son.

Workshop: Build Your Book with Spreadsheets (Friday, 4B)
Take the stress out of writing your book, proposal and synopsis by using a spreadsheet. Some knowledge of Excel or Numbers helpful.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – most genres (see chart). Other – blogging, marketing plans. Children & YA – articles, biographies, devotionals, early readers, memoir, nonfiction books, short stories.

Barbara Haley


GPCWC Conference Registrar
Appointments Coordinator, Bookstore Manager  


Barbara, an elementary teacher and reading interventionist, has been writing for over 20 years. Her fiction includes juvenile chapter books: The Purple Heart, Boot Camp, and Singing Soldiers. In nonfiction, she is a regular contributor of devotions for The Secret Place and Quiet Hour and has published numerous articles and short stories in magazines, compilation books, and Sunday school papers. This May she released Lord, Get Your Needle - I’m Falling Apart at the Seams: The Emotional Strain of Chronic Pain.

Workshop: Make a Scene: Crafting a Powerful Story One Scene at a Time (Friday, 3C)
Learn how character, plot, and dramatic tension work together within the framework of individual scenes. We’ll examine the functions of a scene and compare beginning, middle, and final scenes. And finally, we’ll discuss nine types of scenes, including: suspense, dramatic, contemplative, dialogue, action, flashback, epiphany, climactic, and the final scene. 


Hana Haatainen-Caye
Award-winning Writer, Editor, Coach
Voice-over Talent



Hana is an award-winning writer, editor, coach, and voice-over talent. She teaches writing at Carnegie Mellon University through their Osher program and at writers’ conferences throughout the year. She’s published nine stories in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series and over 90 children’s books with iStorybooks, which she also narrates under the name Maya Ray. Additionally, Hana has ghostwritten several books and offers copywriting and editing services to clients worldwide. Her award-winning blog, Green Grandma, focuses on common sense greener and healthier living for people of all ages. She and her husband, Bill, are active members of Northgate Church in Pittsburgh.

Early Bird Workshop: Fictional Characters Anonymous (Wednesday, E12, 2:15 – 3:45)
"Hi. My name is Doris, and I'm a fictional character." During this workshop, all participants will introduce themselves as one of their characters from their WIP and will remain in character throughout the session. Consider this a support group meeting for characters to work out some of their issues. The results of the meeting are often surprising, as you discover character nuances, vulnerability, and trigger points. In order to write enticing fiction, you have to know your characters intimately. FCA can help you do just that! All participants will be expected to take part in the discussions. Limited to 12 participants.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – book proposals, family and parenting, inspirational, marriage, Other – blogging, creating a brand, website evaluation. Children & YA – nonfiction books, picture books, short stories.

Debbie Hardy
Author, Speaker
Queen of Resilience



Debbie is the Queen of Resilience and the author of three books: Stepping Through Cancer, A Guide for the Journey; Free to Be Fabulous: 100 Ways to Look and Feel Younger at 40, 50, and Beyond; and How to Write a Book AND Get it Published. She has also published devotions and contributed to anthologies. A Colorado resident and accomplished pianist, Debbie is a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, National Speakers Association of Colorado, and several writers groups where she mentors aspiring authors. Her positive outlook and joy in Christ have helped her transition from corporate America to writing, speaking, encouraging others, and teaching at writers’ conferences, retreats, and other events

Early Bird Workshop: Say It with Humor (Wednesday, E17, 4:45 – 5:45)
A touch of humor can help you get your message accross in a fun and memorable way. Learn the benefits of using humor, where to find it, and how to incorporate it in your writing and speaking.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – most genres (see chart). Humor, inspirational, memoir, personal experience, women’s interests

Bob Hostetler

Award-winning Writer, Editor, Speaker


Bob is an award-winning writer, editor, pastor and speaker from southwestern Ohio. His thirty-six books, which include The Bone Box and American Idols (The Worship of the American Dream), have sold millions of copies. He has co-authored eleven books with Josh McDowell, including the best-selling Right from Wrong (What You Need to Know to Help Youth Make Right Choices)  and the award-winning Don't Check Your Brains at the Door

Bob has been a disc jockey, pastor, magazine editor, freelance book editor,and (with his wife Robin) a foster parent to ten boys (though not all at once). Bob and Robin have two adult children, Aubrey and Aaron, son-in-law Kevin and daughter-in-law Nina, and grandchildren Miles, Mia, Calleigh, Ryder, and Avery. Calleigh and Ryder deal daily with a condition called cystic fibrosis. To increase their prospects for long and healthy lives, Bob participates in Great Strides.

Early Bird Workshop: Create a Winning One-Sheet (Wednesday, E11, 2:15 – 3:45)
A one-page summary of your book is a crucial tool for selling your work. This workshop will not only instruct but also give you a working draft of a winning one-sheet.

Early Bird Workshop: Blogging Your Way to Publication (Wednesday, E15, 4:45 – 5:45)
How to get started, how to get noticed, and how to move from blog to print.

Continuing Session: First Writes
A writing-for-publication primer, covering the basics of preparing and writing for publication.

Teens Write: The First Rule of Fiction (Thursday, 3:30 – 4:15)
As the former editor of a Christian magazine, 90% of the fiction manuscripts Bob rejected were returned for the same shortcoming - poor conflict-struggle-resolution.  

Keynote: A Writer’s Dream (Friday 7:30 pm)
A dramatic address on the eternal impact of the Christian writer.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – apologetics, articles, book proposals, devotionals, prayer. Fiction – biblical fiction, historical. Other – blogging.

Rick Marschall

Author, Historian
Monday Morning Music Ministry




Rick has 74 books and hundreds of magazine articles to his credit. A former political cartoonist, editor of Marvel Comics, and writer for Disney, his fields as an author are as eclectic: popular culture; classical music; country music; biographies; television history; children's books; cartoons and comics; and Christian books, where his publishers have included Thomas Nelson, Faithwords, and Tyndale House. For four years he has produced the weekly blog, devotionals that feature music videos and address culture, worldview, church history, and matters of faith.

Night Owl Roundtables – Addressing the Issues with Charles Patricoff (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evening)
Roundtables on critical issues including abortion, cultural restoration, Israel, Christian heritage in American history, self-governance and church in politics, and Islam. 

Workshop: Writing Their Answers, Too (Friday, 4D)
The art and craft of writing biographies and profiles. They are a great way to share the testimonies of believers and to inspire others to excel.

Workshop: Stand for Truth (Saturday, 6G)
Do not be intimidated about taking stands or against laying strong foundations for your writing. God’s people have faced the same challenges through all of history.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – most genres (see chart). Fiction – action & adventure, historical, legal & political thrillers. Other – blogging, humor, website evaluation. Children & YA – activity books, articles, biographies, devoitonals, graphic novels, picture books. 

David C. Page

Playwriter, Poet, Speaker




David has brought his words to the public through numerous publications, productions, keynote speaking  engagements, workshops, and classrooms. Included in his many plays are: RECIPES, which opened at the Montgomery Theater Project; IF I KNEW THEN, produced at the Annenberg Theater in Philadelphia; and the musical, RESISTING GRAVITY, which starred Grammy Award winner, William Warfield. David has presented at some of the best conferences in the country including ones in the following states: South Carolina, North Carolina, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, California, Arizona, Texas, Ohio, Colorado, and Minnesota. David brings his love of poetry and storytelling to all his work as he encourages his audience to embrace life and nurture their talents. When not at his desk, David can be found motorcycling across the country or hiking in the Alps.

Workshop: Finding the Right Words (Thursday, 2B)
For a piece of writing to be called “poetry,” the thoughts and emotions must be expressed in such a way that a deeper level of intent and understanding is revealed. The right words can increase the depth of the writing and turn the ordinary into the profound. This presentation will help writers to find the right words and to use techniques that will make their expressions unique. 

Workshop: Writing a Story People Want to Read (Friday, 3C)
It’s not just about the beginning, middle, and end. It’s about having a story worth writing and characters a reader can identify with. It’s a package deal! If any one of the major elements is missing, nothing will work. This workshop is all about taking a reader on a successful trip, by making sure your “story suitcase” is packed successfully for the journey.     

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – Christian living, culture & contemporary issues, health, inspirational, personal experience, poetry, prayer. Fiction – biblical fiction. Other – humor, lyrics, skits & plays, poetry, songs. Children & YA – drama, short stories.     


Charles Patricoff
Author, Speaker




Charles is an author with a personal passion for American history and our nation’s unique Christian heritage. As a Jewish follower of Yeshua, Charles speaks at Pro-Life and Tea Party rallies about our godly American heritage. “I write to preserve life and liberty, because by fighting to provide freedom for others, we preserve freedom for ourselves.” For over 35 years he supported the Department of Defense where his work gained recognition throughout the military and weapons development corporations.

Workshop: America at the Crossroads (Thursday, 1G)
Christian writers can prepare believers to advance the Kingdom of God as America takes another step toward complete rejection of its Judeo-Christian roots.

Keynote: How Then Should We Live? (Saturday pm)
Jesus has entrusted us with His best answer to all people: love God, and love others with the love He bestows on us. Governed by this simple yet demanding command, we can address any issue.

Night Owl Roundtables – Addressing the Issues with Rick Marschall (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evening)
Roundtables on critical issues including abortion, cultural restoration, Israel, Christian heritage in American history, self-governance and church in politics, and Islam. 

Ava Pennington

Ava Pennington
Author, Bible Teacher, Speaker
Appointment Desk Co-Captain
Officer, CAN (Christian Authors Network)



Ava is enjoying a second career as an author, teacher, and speaker. She teaches a weekly, interdenominational Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class from September through May each year. And she writes. She’s written for organizations such as Focus on the Family, Christianity Today, and Haven Ministries. She’s also been published in 25 anthologies, including 18 Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Her newest book, Daily Reflections on the Names of God: A Devotional, is endorsed by Kay Arthur, founder of Precept Ministries, International. Ava has also co-authored two children’s picture books, Do You Love Me More? and Will I See You Today?

Early Bird Workshop: Prayer and the Writer’s Life (Wednesday, E14, 4:45 – 5:45)
Do you pray? Do you pray for your writing? You might think that’s a silly question. Of course we pray for our writing. But what, exactly, are we praying about? If we’re honest, our prayers are often centered on requests for favor with agents and publishers. Book contracts, large advances, and strong sales top our lists. While these are not bad things to desire, we’ll discuss some other things we could and should be praying for.

Workshop: Write Life-Changing Bible Studies (sturday, 6D)
You may have participated in Bible studies, but do you know how to write them? Learn the 2 things you need to know to write effective, powerful Bible studies!

Author Interviews (Friday pm)
Ava has prepared a helpful tip sheet for the book signing that will follow her interviews with authors. You’ll find it and more resources at Free Writers Helps.

Paid Critiques: Nonfiction – (most genres).

Patricia Raybon

Author, Journalist
Professor Emerita, University of Colorado



Patricia is an award-winning author whose essays have been published in The New York Times Magazine, Newsweek, USA Today, USA Weekend, In Touch Magazine, Guideposts, Christianity Today, the Washington Post’s “Acts of Faith” blog, The High Calling, Her.Meneutics, and also aired on National Public Radio.

She is author of the critically acclaimed My First White Friend, which won a Christopher Award and a Books for a Better Life Award; her prayer memoir, I Told the Mountain to Move; a Book of the Year finalist in Christianity Today’s 2006 Book Awards competition, The One Year God’s Great Blessings Devotional; and Undivided: A Muslim Daughter, Her Christian Mother, Their Path to Peace.

Formerly a Sunday magazine editor at The Denver Post and a features reporter at the Rocky Mountain News, Patricia taught print journalism at the University of Colorado at Boulder for 15 years, getting promoted to professor emerita. She is a Certified Instructor of the Journal to the Self® Workshop, an expressive writing curriculum, and teaches at writing conferences and retreats nationwide. A regular contributor to Today’s Christian Woman, she now writes full-time on matters of faith and teaches at writing workshops and retreats nationwide. 

Keynote: Moving Our Mountains with Prayer (Friday pm)
Do you need encouragement to move your “author” mountains and to heal your life’s divides?

Continuing Session: Master the Memoir 
Have personal challenges and triumphs taught you lessons worth sharing? Join award-winning memoirist Patricia Raybon for a writer’s exploration and overview of the first-person journey called the memoir. Journey, is in fact, a key concept here. Good memoirs go places—from struggle and insight to surprise and resolution. Make your trip a courageous, page-turning adventure.

Rachel Rittenhouse

Teen Author 



Rachel is a 19-year-old, previously homeschooled, author of 5 self-published books. She says, “Writing has been in my blood for as long as I can remember and it is something that I take pleasure in doing.” On her blog she writes about her writing journey, life experiences, book reviews, author interviews, and much more! Join her bi-weekly on Thursdays for something new and exciting!

Rachel lives in Pennsylvania with her parents, younger sister, and younger brother. This is where her grandparents have always lived, her great-grandparents, and their great-grandparents! She has been homeschooled for nine years and now is taking online courses through Liberty University, majoring in Business/Marketing.

Rachel started writing because she remembered the struggle of finding wholesome books worth reading that actually encourage a young person in their faith. What started as a homeschool project, eventually turned into the Woodsmall Sisters. Her first book, Finding Faith, was independently published in April 2014, with the second book, Discovering Hope, following in January 2015, and the third book, Accepting Change, published in August 2015. Her Christmas novella, Changing Traditions, was published in November 2015 and her nonfiction, A Student’s Guide: 10 Easy Steps to Writing and Publishing, was released in April 2016.

Teens Write: My Publishing Journey (Thursday, 2:00 – 2:30)
What started as a homeschool project, has resulted in 5 self-published books. From writing to editing, formatting to cover design, Rachel will share her journey.  

Paid Critiques: Children & YA – middle grade fiction. tweens fiction, YA fiction.

Tim Shoemaker


Tim Shoemaker
Author, Speaker




Tim is a full-time speaker and author of 11 books. He is passionate about writing and has worked with youth for over twenty years. Code of Silence, book one of his contemporary suspense series, was included in the Booklist Online “Top Ten Crime Novels for Youth” list. Tim was selected by School Library Journal to serve on a four-member “Mysteries and Thrillers” panel for their Summer Teen Event.

Tim speaks at churches and parachurch organizations such as Focus on the Family, Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Conferences, and Moody Pastors Conference. He speaks at homeschool conventions as well as retreats for men and couples. He speaks at public and Christian schools across the country – so if you know a librarian, principal, or English teacher, talk to Tim about that. (Click here for topics.) Tim has a passionate style of teaching that makes his workshops enjoyable and helps make even difficult topics clear. Happily married for over 35 years, Tim has three grown sons and still loves doing volunteer youth work.

Early Bird Workshop: Starting Appointments Out on the Right Foot (Wednesday, 4:45 – 5:45)
Stomach churning. Palms sweating. Hey, an appointment with an editor, agent, or seasoned writer IS a big deal. Relax. We’ll look at tips to make sure your appointment is a step in the right direction.

Devotional (Thursday am)

Teens Write: Fiction that Grabs & Holds Your Readers (Thursday, 10 am – 2 pm)
Tim’s Code of Silence was was selected to be on Booklist’s Top Ten Crime Novels for Youth. He’ll use the book as a basis to talk about critical factors to strengthen your fiction. (Prerequisite: Read Code of Silence.)

Workshop: Dive Into Deep POV (Thursday, 2C)
Point-of-view is a tool to make your writing more realistic and powerful. A look at a balanced view of deep POV and how to strengthen your writing in the process.

Workshop: Reaching Boys through Fiction (Friday, 4C)
Writing for a tough market . . . but one of the most rewarding. Learn why it’s smart to target boys with your writing and the secrets to doing it well.

Workshop: It’s Show Time (Saturday, 5C)
The more you learn to show your story instead of just telling it, the stronger your manuscript will be. Exactly how do you do that? I won’t just tell you; I’ll show you!

Paid Critiques: Fiction – contemporary suspense, crime & mystery, suspense & thriller, thriller & mystery. Children & YA – middle grade fiction, tweens fiction, YA fiction.


Carol Wedeven
Author, Teacher
Speaker, Artist



Carol is a freelance writer, teacher, speaker, and artist with a mission to impact lives for Christ. Author of eleven children’s books, she’s heading toward the finish line after eleven years of writing a narrative nonfiction book about an Amerasian child and author Pearl S. Buck. Carol is a go-to person for tips, facts, and possibilities regarding your manuscript or the writing life.

Early Bird Workshop: Writing for the HEART of the Child (Wednesday, E5, 1:00 – 2:00)
Come to discover the heart of your reader. Crawl inside the child’s head – live there, listening; knowing his voice, heart, and soul; seeing through his eyes; then writing heart to heart to make a difference in his life. Interactive, hands-on, handouts, tears to hilarity.

Dr. Terry White

Veteran Writer, Editor, Publisher
Educator, and Journalism Entrepreneur




Terry is a veteran writer, editor, publisher, educator, and journalism entrepreneur. He is the former Executive Director and Publisher at BMH Books. He has also worked at Prison Fellowship. He is married and lives in Winona Lake, Indiana.

Workshop: Good Clear Writing (Thursday, 1B)
Learn how to salvage sparkling prose from the swamp of sentence fragments, acronyms, homontms, tweet-spells, and “I”-strain. Strive for a higher standard!

Pastors Write: Extend Your Ministry Reach with a Book (Friday, 4:30 – 5:45)
Learn efficient and strategic ways a book can multiple your reach a hundredfold. 
Terry will share tried-and-true methods from authors who have done it.

Keynote: Write His Answer Right (Saturday am)
Prooftexting, compromising, pat answers, and watering down the Gospel obviously doesn’t please the Lord. Whether we’re writing nonfiction or fiction, Terry will talk about how we can boldly and accurately present biblical truth so as to draw readers to His answer.



Alice Greenhowe Wootson
Author, Retired Teacher



Alice is a retired teacher and award-winning author of 13 novels. She is also a prize-winning poet. She’s a member of The Philadelphia Writers Conference, Mad Poets Society, Romance Writers of America, and The Authors Guild.

After reading many novels for years, Alice decided to try her hand at writing one. The result was her first novel, a romance. Why write romance novels? Because she likes happy endings. Snowbound with Love was that novel. It received many positive reviews. She still receives positive comments about it from readers.

Her last three novels are romantic suspense. Two of them, Border Love and Border Danger are inspirational romantic suspense novels featuring Border Patrol Agents stationed in Brownsville, Texas on the Texas/Mexican Border.

She is happy to meet with book clubs and readers and groups of writers.

Alice teaches writing workshops on various aspects of the writing process and has presented workshops for The Philadelphia Writers Conference, chapters of Romance Writers of America, The Learning Tree, Abington YMCA, a Wildwood, NJ writing conference, and library branches in the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh areas. She is a member of several ministries at her church, Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church in Philadelphia.

She uses any spare time she can find reading, traveling, and spending time with her husband, her sons, and grandchildren. She is always working on her latest novel.

Early Bird Workshop: Writing Romantic Suspense (Wednesday, E3, 1:00 – 2:00)
We’ll discuss the basics of writing: character, setting, and plot. Where do I get ideas? What is the difference between romantic suspense and inspirational romantic suspense? Attendees will have an opportunity to brainstorm ideas for a story.

Paid Critiques: Fiction – any genre.