
Marlene always provides a spiritual atmosphere
as well as practical courses and invites an excellent faculty. 

Cec Murphey


Literary Agents  Click here for bios & what they are interested in representing.

– Visit again for bios and what they are doing at the conference.

Book Editors  Click here for bios, editorial needs, and what they are doing at the conference.

Periodical Editors & Reps – Visit again for bios and what they are doing at the conference.

Other Professionals – Visit again here for bios and how they can help you.

Staff & GPCWC Team 


Christian Writers Market Guide 2021

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My life is STILL being touched every day by the Philly conference.
I am writing more, and with a greater sense of purpose,
yet with no concern or worries about my writing
as I know God will use me and what I write
 as He sees fit.

Thom Smith, conferee from New Hampshire