In addition to the free 15-minute appointments you receive, you may want to take advantage of this opportunity to have a your work reviewed prior to the conference by the seasoned professional(s) of your choice (see below) in preparation for a 30 minute appointment.
There is a charge of $30 for each critique. Since a limited number of consultations are available, we encourage you to register early to reserve your space so you will not be disappointed. Deadline to email your manuscript to [email protected] is July 15.
A word from our amazing Appointments Coordinator, Barb Haley:
We have a fantastic list of faculty willing to do paid critiques:
agents, editors, authors, and other professionals.
let me encourage you to consider taking full advantage of this opportunity.
I don’t think I’ve ever learned quite so much as I have from professional edits of my writing.
We’re coming to the conference to learn more about the craft of writing.
But the opportunity to have a trained pair of eyes look over our work,
point out strengths, and offer personal ideas to improve our skills is invaluable.
Many years I've done 3-4 paid critiques, and I know
it is definitely some of the best money I have ever spent!
A full half-hour of individual guided instruction and advice for just $30.
I once heard an instructor talk about how much money folks spend to go to college and earn a degree.
Then she compared that to the amount we are willing to spend to become experts at our craft.
That said ... I suggest we all dig deep, sign up for those paid critiques, and learn from the best!
To help you choose the best faculty member for one or more 30-minute paid critiques Barb has contacted the faculty for specific info on the genres they are willing to critique and has prepared a helpful chart. Click here.
Again, your manuscript needs to be emailed by July 15 to [email protected] with the following subject line: “GPCWC – Paid Critique with name of critiquer.” In the body of your email include:
Attach your manuscript as ONE document saved in Word or RTF. Your manuscript should be double spaced except for a synopsis or book proposal that you may single space. Limit 12 pages unless otherwise noted below. Please do not exceed the requested length.
My paid manuscript review gave me the most thorough
and helpful manuscript review I've had to date.
Dr. Clement Hanson
And don’t forget the free 15-minute appointments you are entitled to. To help you choose, check the Editorial Needs chart and Areas of Expertise chart and then the bios. (Click here for a list of the faculty and links to their bios and what they are doing at the conference.) Unless you have a manuscript or concrete idea, authors are often the best source of information and encouragement. Keep in mind, however, that manuscripts are not sent and read in advance for the 15-minute appointments.
Genres & Paid Critiques
Children & YA/Teens
Activity Books – Larry Carpenter, Cheri Cowell, Catherine DeVries, Rick Marschall
Articles, Devotionals, Short Stories (1500 words) – Cheri Cowell, Terri Gillespie, Ann Knowles, Rick Marschall, Marti Pieper
Biographies – Cheri Cowell, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Ann Knowles, Rick Marschall
Chapter Books – Cheri Cowell, Rick Marschall
Devotionals – Cheri Cowell, Catherine DeVries, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Ann Knowles, Rick Marschall
Drama – Cheri Cowell, David Page
Early Readers - Cheri Cowell, Terri Gillespie
Graphic Novels (Max: 2000 words) - Cheri Cowell, Dave Fessenden, Rick Marschall
Middle-grade Fiction – Cheri Cowell, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Rachel Rittenhouse, Tim Shoemaker
Nonfiction Books – Cheri Cowell, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Hana Haatainen-Caye, Marti Pieper
Novels (12 pages including single spaced synopsis): Cheri Cowell, Dave Fessenden, Marti Pieper, Chris Richards
Picture Books (900 words) – Cheri Cowell, Hana Haatainen-Caye, Pam Halter, Ann Knowles, Rick Marschall, Kim Sponaugle
Short Stories – Cheri Cowell, Terri Gillespie, Hana Haataineen-Caye, Rick Marschall, David Page
Tweens Fiction – Cheri Cowell, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Rachel Rittenhouse, Tim Shoemaker
Older Teens/YA Fiction – Cheri Cowell, Dave Fessenden, Marti Pieper, Chris Richards, Rachel Rittenhouse, Tim Shoemaker, Margie Vawter
Most Genres – Larry Carpenter, Cheri Cowell, Amy Deardon, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, Tracey Lewis-Giggetts, Rick Marschall, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Cyle Young,
Academic – Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Bill Watkins
Apologetics – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Bob Hostetler, Rick Marschall, Jeff McDonald, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Bill Watkins, Cyle Young
Anthologies – Larry Carpenter, Debbie Hardy, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Cyle Young
Articles (one or two articles with a total word length of no more than 1,500 words - check the length requirements of the market you are aiming for) – Larry Carpenter, Karen Fischer, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, Bob Hostetler, Ann Knowles, Rick Marschall, Jeff McDonald, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Margie Vawter
Bible studies – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Margie Vawter, Cyle Young
Biographies – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Rick Marschall, Marti Pieper
Books (first chapter and one-sheet - limit 12 pages) – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, Bob Hostetler, Rick Marschall, Yvonne Ortega, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Margie Vawter, Cyle Young
Book Proposals (limit 12 pages including portion of first chapter) – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Sharon Elliott, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, Bob Hostetler, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Margie Vawter, Bill Watkins, Cyle Young
Christian Education and Curriculum – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Marti Pieper, Cyle Young
Christian Living – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, David Page, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Cindy Sproles, Margie Vawter, Cyle Young
Christian Ministry and Leadership – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Teri Gillespie, Marti Pieper Cyle Young
Culture and Contemporary Issues – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, Rick Marschall, Jeff McDonald, David Page, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Bill Watkins, Cyle Young
Devotionals (1-4 devotionals for a total word count of 1,200) – Megan Breedlove, Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, Bob Hostetler, Susan King, Ann Knowles, Rick Marschall, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Cindy Sproles, Margie Vawter, Cyle Young
Evangelism – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Cyle Young
Family/Single Parenting/Parenting – Megan Breedlove, Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Terri Gillespie, Hana Haatainen-Caye, Debbie Hardy, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Cyle Young
Gift books – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Cyle Young
Health – Larry Carpenter, Karen Fischer, Terri Gillespie, David Page, Cyle Young
Humor – Megan Breedlove, Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Debbie Hardy, Rick Marschall, Jeff McDonald, Cyle Young
Inspirational – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Hana Haatainen-Caye, Debbie Hardy, Jeff McDonald, Yvonne Ortega, David Page, Marti Pieper, Cindy Sproles, Cyle Young
Marriage & family living – Megan Breedlove, Larry Carpenter, Tamar Clymer, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Hana Haatainen-Caye, Debbie Hardy, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Cyle Young
Memoir – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, Rick Marschall, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper
Personal experience stories & articles (1,500 words) – Larry Carpenter, Jonathan Clements, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, Ann Knowles, Rick Marschall, Yvonne Ortega, David Page, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Margie Vawter, Cyle Young
Prayer – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Bob Hostetler, Ann Knowles, David Page, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Margie Vawter, Cyle Young
Profiles & teaching articles (1800 words) – Larry Carpenter, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper
Spiritual Growth – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Jeff McDonald, Yvonne Ortega, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Margie Vawter, Cyle Young
Spiritual Warfare – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Terri Gillespie, Marti Pieper, Margie Vawter, Cyle Young
Women’s Interests – Megan Breedlove, Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Terri Gillespie, Debbie Hardy, Yvonne Ortega, Ava Pennington, Marti Pieper, Margie Vawter, Cyle Young
Most Genres – Larry Carpenter, Cheri Cowell, Amy Deardon, Tracey Lewis-Giggetts, Chris Richards, Margie Vawter, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Action/Adventure – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Rick Marschall, Chris Richards, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Biblical fiction – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Dave Fessenden, Bob Hostetler, David Page, Chris Richards, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Contemporary – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Contemporary Romance – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Marti Pieper, Chris Richards, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Contemporary Suspense – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Tim Shoemaker, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Crime/mystery – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Tim Shoemaker, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Fantasy – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Cyle Young
Futuristic – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Cyle Young
Historical – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Dave Fessenden, Bob Hostetler, Rick Marschall, Chris Richards, Cindy Sproles, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Issues fiction – Marlene Bagnull, Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Cyle Young
Legal/political thrillers – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Rick Marschall, Chris Richards, Cyle Young
Literary – Larry Carpenter, Jonathan Clements, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Mapping a stalled story - any genre - Amy Deardon
Novellas – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Marti Pieper, Chris Richards, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Romance – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Marti Pieper, Chris Richards, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Romantic Suspense – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Chris Richards, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Science fiction – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Cyle Young
Southern – Larry Carpenter, Marti Pieper, Cindy Sproles, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Speculative fiction – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Cyle Young
Suspense – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Suspense & Thriller – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Tim Shoemaker, Cyle Young
Thriller & Mystery – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Tim Shoemaker, Cyle Young
Thriller & Supernatural – Larry Carpenter, Dave Fessenden, Chris Richards, Cyle Young
Women's Fiction – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Marti Pieper, Chris Richards, Alice Wootson, Cyle Young
Blog writing (provide your URL - 2 or 3 short posts) – Megan Breedlove, Tamara Clymer, Dave Fessenden, Karen Fischer, Terri Gillespie, Hana Haatainen-Caye, Bob Hostetler, Tracey Lewis-Giggetts, Rick Marschall, Marti Pieper, Cyle Young
Creating a Brand – Megan Breedlove, Tamara Clymer, Cheri Cowell, Hana Haatainen-Caye, Cyle Young
Humor (total 1,500 words) – Cheri Cowell, Dave Fessenden, Rick Marschall, David Page, Cyle Young
Lyrics – Dave Fessenden, David Page
Marketing plans – Valuable feedback on websites, publicity materials (news release and flyer or other PR piece), and brainstorming marketing ideas – Larry Carpenter, Tamara Clymer, Cheri Cowell, Terri Gillespie, Cyle Young
Skits and Plays – Cheri Cowell, David Page
Poetry (five poems no longer than 20 lines each) – Larry Carpenter, Cheri Cowell, David Page, Marti Pieper, Cyle Young
Screenplays (first 10 pages) – Ted Baehr, Cheri Cowell, David Page
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – Megan Breedlove
Songs (two songs with double spaced lyric sheet, music if written out, MP3 or CD - please listen to the CD to make sure it recorded properly) – Dave Fessenden, David Page
Website evaluation (mail URL to [email protected]) - Megan Breedlove, Tamara Clymer, Cheri Cowell, Hana Haatainen-Caye, Rick Marschall, Cyle Young