2019 Faculty Markets home page

Marlene always provides a spiritual atmosphere
as well as practical courses and invites an excellent faculty. 

Cec Murphey

Literary Agents 
 Click here for bios & what they are interested in representing.

Other Professionals  Click here for bios and how they can help you.

Book Editors  Click here for bios, editorial needs, and what they are doing at the conference.

Periodical Editors – Click here for bios and what they are doing at the conference.

Authors – Click here for bios and what they are doing at the conference.

My life is STILL being touched every day by the Philly conference.
I am writing more, and with a greater sense of purpose,
yet with no concern or worries about my writing
as I know God will use me and what I write
 as He sees fit.

Thom Smith, conferee from New Hampshire