Need to Reach Us?
Marlene – 484-991-8581 (home & office) or
Cell – 267-436-2503 (only during conference)
Eric Sprinkle – our “go-to” guy for
rides, help with luggage, etc.
Rides between the conference & the Holiday Inn
and pickups at the Pennbrook Train Station in Lansdale
Donna Brennan, 484-264-9028
Jennifer Lebo, 215-630-9209
Peggy Montagna, 609-675-3952
Important Info from Emails
You May Not Have Seen
When you arrive. From Forty Foot Road (Rt. 63) turn west onto Detweiler Road and park in the two lots to the left of building 11, Clemens Center, the conference hub where registration, keynotes, meals, and appointments will take place and where we will be setting up the book tables. Classes are in building 1 (a very short walk). See campus map at
If you are coming on Thursday, please plan to arrive by 12:15 to get your name tag, packet, and pay anything you still owe (or make arrangements for time payments if needed). If youre coming on Friday or Saturday as your first day, plan on arriiving at 8:00 am.
Weather & What to Wear?
Well the weather is anyone’s guess :), but it does look like we will be in the 80s instead of the 90s. I know that’s not really hot for some of you, but add Philly’s humidity and it can get quite uncomfortable. So, please, dress cool and comfortable. Shorts and capris are fine. Seriously! This is NOT a dress up
conference. There’s the possibility of rain every day, so bring an umbrella!
We no longer provide printed handouts. Instead, it is your responsibility to go to and print the handouts for classes you plan to take. Even if you’re bringing a laptop or iPad with you, it’s a good idea to print the handouts to facilitate note-taking.
Workshop Choices
You are not locked into your choices but are free to go where Father leads you. The first conference I ever attended He nudged me into Lee Roddy’s fiction class. It didn’t make any sense since I wasn’t writing fiction. But Lee’s teaching and the gift of his friendship (he became my writing papa) changed my life.
I know I’ve given you lots of choices – choices that may seem overwhelm. But Father is nudging me, now, to call several to your attention that you may not have considered.
Only 3 of you have registered for T3, Resurrect the Past, with JP Robinson on Thursday. I’m surprised because I know so many of you want to write out of your life experiences. This workshop will also focus on writing memoirs including tough questions such as what to include and exclude. JP taught this workshop at the Colorado conference where it was enthusiastically received.
Speaking of writing from life experience, I’m also surprised that only 12 of you have registered for Peter Lundell’s continuing session, Authentic Writing that Changes Lives. Peter says, “Authentic writing starts from within you—being honest with who you are, which sometimes means writing out of recovery from pain and ashes. Then you can effectively write change into the lives of your readers through your particular approach, genre, and unique voice. This continuing session will take you through this process and include participant exercises and presentations for feedback.” If that sounds intimidating, know that Peter is a pastor and gifted teacher. He will not put you in an uncomfortable place. Again, you’re welcome to change.
Two other workshops I want to call to your attention: If you’re writing fiction, I encourage you to attend 3C, Ethnic Diversity in Fiction with Catherine DeVries, publisher at Kregel Publishing. And if you’re a beginning writer who has not YET sold a manuscript, I highly recommend 4G, Write Devotionals and Get Published with Debbie Hardy. (This workshop is listed correctly as 4G on the website and registration form, but it is reversed with 3G in in the brochure.) My very first published manuscript was a devotional. I’ve since published well over 300 devotionals, many on assignment. Devotional writing will strengthen the rest of your writing because you’ll learn to sharply focus your idea. You simply can’t wander in the average length of 250-300 words!
All of the keyotes are open free of charge to the community. Click here for a flyer you can share with your pastor, church, friends, and family. These messges are for all Christians, NOT just those interest in writing for publication. There is no need to register.
When you arrive, you will receive a sheet listing names and times of the appointments that have been scheduled for you.
If you are writing for children and YAs, I totally missed adding that chart to the editor’s page. So here it is now. See Ava Pennington or Donna Brennan at the appointment desk if you want to schedule an appointment with one of these editors (in addition to the appointments you already requested). The appointment desk will be open at 4:30 on Thursday for this purpose, if you registered too late to request appointments, or if you need to make changes in your schedule.
By Friday noontime you may request additional appointments with faculty who still have openings.
I want to encourage you to pray about entering the contest. I’ve expanded the theme to include not just how He is calling you to “write His answer” but also what you have found to be His answer in struggles you have faced. See my 4th of July post, “Freedom,” at I’ve also extended the deadline from August 1 to August 7. Entries can be emailed to me at The $10 entry fee (if you didn’t include it when you registered), can be brought with you to the conference. The winner in FOUR separate categories (poetry and prose by both published writers and not-yet-published writers) will receive 50% off the registration fee to our 2020 conference. For more contest info go to
Welcome to GPCWC 2019
Please print this page. The URL if you need to refer back is:
Dear conferee –
I believe God has called you to this year’s GPCWC. No matter whether you’re a beginning or professional writer or whether you write fiction or nonfiction, I expect God will encourage and equip you to “Write His Answer” in ways that will change lives for eternity!
The most important thing you can do to prepare for this year’s GPCWC is to seek Him and His will for your writing. I especially want to encourage you to click here for a Bible study on Habakkuk 2:2, our theme verse.
Please also click on the links to the following items to aid you in your conference preparations:
Check-Off List (please visit again) with important reminders and dates to help you prepare.
Appointment Request Form - Barb’s fantastic charts are now online that detail the editorial needs, areas of expertise, and genres agents are interested in representing. Click here for the link to the form you need to request your free appointments and paid critiques. For more info about our appointment procedures, preparing for your appointments, and making the best choices click on Appointments. Appointment requests we receive through July 15 will be booked in the order you registered for the conference, thereby, giving you preference for your early registration. And if you’re among the first 50 to register for all three days you’ll receive a free fifth appointment.
All appointment requests must be received by August 1. If you miss this date, again do not worry. You can sign up for appointments when you arrive at the conference. The appointment desk will open at 4:30 pm on Thursday. The bottom line . . . trust Father. I am convinced that He will see to it that you meet with the faculty He wants you to meet with even if it’s not during a scheduled appointment. If you plan to talk to editors, I encourage you to order my “Put Your Best Foot Forward” CD at Besides the helpful info, my “didn’t-know-any-better” mistakes will give you a really good laugh.
Paid critiques - A 30-minute appointment with a faculty member who has reviewed your manuscript before the conference is one of the best investments you can make at the cost of only $30 each. Those available for paid critiques and genres will be noted on the charts when they are posted. NOTE: Paid critiques do not lower the number of free appointments you are entitled to receive. Your manuscript needs to be e-mailed to by July 24. Please adhere to the length parameters you’ll find on the Paid Critiques page.
Visit the Write His Answer bookstore - To help you prepare, I encourage you to visit my bookstore for writers on the Write His Answer website. Write His Answer is the umbrella for the Colorado and Greater Philly conference ministries. Books are sold at a discount (including the new 2018 Christian Writers Market Guide). Sales help cover conference expenses.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or special needs. You can reach me by email or by phone 484-991-8581.
Father, thank You for the freedom we have to “write Your answer.” Please help us to make the most of the opportunities You give us. Use this year’s GPCWC to draw us all closer to You and to equip us to serve You more effectively. Give us Your vision for our writing ministry, and encourage us to believe that You will use us to make a difference through the words we write and the lives we live.
Joyfully serving Christ -
Marlene Bagnull, Litt.D.
Write His Answer Ministries –
Blogging at
P.S. Please note: The charge on your credit card statement should read Gr Ph & CO Chr Wr or a similar abbreviation. It stands for Greater Philadelphia & Colorado Christian Writers Conferences. Be sure to regularly check your e-mail for conference updates as well as the conference Facebook page and my blog.
Need to Reach Us?
Marlene – 484-991-8581 (home & office) or
Cell – 267-436-2503 (only during conference)
Eric Sprinkle – our “go-to” guy for
rides, help with luggage, etc.
Rides between the conference & the Holiday Inn
and pickups at the Pennbrook Train Station in Lansdale
Debbie Talese 267-640-9535
Donna Brennan, 484-264-9028
Jennifer Lebo, 215-630-9209
Peggy Montagna, 609-675-3952